This is What Democracy Looks Like

Congrats to Lori Compas and her team, for running one of the most genuine and effective true grassroots campaigns in history and gathering the signatures to recall Scott Fitzgerald ! Thomas Paine would be proud!! This is what democracy looks like!!!

They announced today that they would like some more, but they have enough to force the recall!

Madison — The committee to recall Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald announced Friday it has the signatures to force an election.

Lori Compas, the recall committee’s chairwoman, said in a news conference the group had gathered more than the 16,742 signatures needed, but declined to say how many. She said volunteers would continue to gather signatures to recall the Juneau Republican through Saturday. That’s to provide a cushion because Fitzgerald will be able to knock some signatures off the petitions if he can show they belong to people who don’t live in the district or aren’t eligible to vote.

While Fitz has been whining about the recall people taking longer than their alloted time to sign, one of his constituents answered that question beautifully!

Recall officials said they were not worried about Fitzgerald’s complaint.

“That’s a kid not winning Monopoly throwing the board up at the end of the game,” said recall volunteer Sarah Hammer, a Fort Atkinson nurse.

Finally, I wanted to address something from Ms. Compas’ press conference this morning. She said that the Wisconsin Democratic Party thought it could not be done. She trusted her own gut feeling from living in the district and paying attention, that it could. So she did it. Proof once again, that for success to happen the people need to lead the party (and the politicians for that matter) NOT the other way around!

Well done everyone and Thank You!


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3 thoughts on “This is What Democracy Looks Like

  1. Lori Compas represents so perfectly everything that went right in this movement. She IS the power of grassroots action, and her determination set a precedent that none of us will forget. Thank you, Lori!

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