If you have any time to spare in the next couple of weeks, please consider volunteering at the Waukesha Walker Recall Office. They need more help than they’ve got right now, and would appreciate any time you can provide.
Here’s their plan for the next couple of weeks, from the Waukesha County Dems website:
The Waukesha Walker Recall Office has shifted its focus to working on energizing the area voter base for the primary and regular recall elections. Volunteers are needed for making phone calls and doing canvassing. The office at 312 W. Broadway in downtown Waukesha will still be open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for phone calling and canvassing.
On Saturday, April 21, a group from Marquette University will be helping with the volunteer work for canvassing, and on Saturday, April 28, at 2 p.m., Lt. Gov. candidate Mahlon Mitchell will be speaking to the canvassers at the Recall Office. Canvassing will take place all day on weekends and at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on week days. The phone number at the office is 262-631-9712. G.O.T.V. is very important on these recall elections. Primary date May 8. Regular election June 5.
Thank you!
Recall Walker!
I sat down and read the book “Get out the Vote” recently. Yes, I know. I thought it was a cable channel that I didn’t get until someone explained it to me. It’s a great read, and was no doubt state of the art way back in the 1990s when the data was collected. But even the most optimistic interpretation of the data shows that calling and canvassing increases voter turnout by barely 10%. And it can’t even say who the votes went to! Whoever said “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” had the GOTV book pegged.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for making the maximum effort this year. I also know how the “war effort” was a great boon for morale on the home front, although I’m told that none of the scrap was actually used. The War Bond drives OTOH were tremendously useful. (I’m talking to you, George W. Bush!)
Although I didn’t intend to write it this way, that last part makes a great transition for saying “don’t forget to send lots of money!” In the end it’s going to be who buys the most disturbing TV ads that has by far the most influence on the outcome. So by all means get your GOTV groove on*. Just don’t forget to send the cold hard cash it takes to keep the big guns fed.
*Since you’re in a lawless, predominately Republican county in a Castle Doctrine state. If you have a Kevlar vest to wear while canvassing, do wear it. If someone invites you in “to discuss things further”, look around for signs of jingoism like American flags pinned to a wall, any form of Gadsden flag, swastikas etc. before entering if you want to leave with the same number of holes that you entered with. Be careful out there…seriously.