Recall Memo: June 5: Walker Uses Settlement Money to Fill Shortfall in Balanced Budget

One of the self declared crowning achievements of Scott Walker’s time as governor, is how he ‘balanced’ his first biennial budget (which is I believe, a state constitutional requirement, but never mind that). He touts this accomplishment at every rally, speech and prominently at both debates. BUT…just 8 months or so into the FIRST year of that two year budget, his administration discovers a shortfall. How in blazes could that happen…he made all the ‘correct’ hard decisions.

Well never mind, because in February a windfall fell into his lap via the national mortgage settlement. Meant to help individual Wisconsinites caught up in the mortgage foreclosure debacle, the state of Wisconsin received $31.6 million directly. But Governor Walker and Attorney General Van Hollen decided to divert $25.6 million to cover their asses budget deficit.

So…the balanced budget was a lie…filling the shortfall with diverted funds is a bit shady…hmmm…YOUR NOT WORKING Governor Walker!

It’s just days away: JUNE 5th:

VOTE for Governor:

—–>> Barrett

VOTE for Lieutenant Governor:

—–>> Mitchell


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