1 thought on “Ireland’s President educates a Tea Party blowhard

  1. Yeah, Higgins is great. The entirety is interesting is as well. It’s worth a listen:

    I have to say I wouldn’t have thought it possible to lower the esteem of the U.S. in the eyes of the world below the buffoonery level set by George W. Bush. But, the noxious brand of right wing extremism that has subsumed the GOP actually has the potential of doing considerable harm and long term damage. It’s really not something discussed enough. Michael Graham is emblematic of what is to come in U.S. foreign relations if the GOP succeeds in their coup here at home. Passive-aggressive diplomacy that generates fury – that’s what we could look forward to – incivility masked in righteousness and trust eroded.

    Incidentally, the Haifa district court just recently rejected the civil lawsuit brought against Israel and its military by the parents of Rachel Corrie. I believe it now goes to Israel’s supreme court for appeal. Just a side note given the context of the discussion which sparked Higgins’ ire.

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