MPD Chief Ed Flynn testifies to Senate in support of assault weapons/high capacity magazine bans

During testimony given to the United States Senate’s Judiciary Committee, Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn called on Congress to pass a ban on new sales of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to civilians.

“How many people have to get murdered in a mass murder for it to be enough?” Flynn said toward the end of his testimony, invoking the Newtown, Conn., massacre in December.

“Is 20 babies enough to say these implements of murder should not be distributed? That’s what we’re asking!” Flynn said in comments that drew applause from those in the audience who were there to support the bill.

While I’m in agreement with Chief Flynn’s statements in support of bans on assault weapon and high-capacity magazine sales, I think the whole discussion about guns in our nation needs to start with efforts to implement universal background checks that close the “gun show loophole” and that include checks on whether an individual has serious mental illnesses or has been committed to a mental health facility.


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1 thought on “MPD Chief Ed Flynn testifies to Senate in support of assault weapons/high capacity magazine bans

  1. Agree.

    This looks like a fundraising compromise between Senate Dems and the NRA. It gins up donations to both.

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