AD 19 Candidate Spotlight: Joe Klein

Earlier this year, Shaina posted a candidate spotlight of the four Democrats running for the State Assembly in the 19th district, but there’s another candidate in the race – Jo Klein. Klein is running as a member of the Pirate Party of Wisconsin, so he’ll face the winner of the Democratic primary in the general election. Klein recently posted a comment with his responses to the questions Shaina asked of the Democratic candidates, and I felt Klein’s responses deserved a post of their own.

1.Why are you running for state assembly?

I want to serve the people of my state and my city. I want to rest at night knowing that I have contributed to betterment of my society. I seek to fulfill myself through acts of civic virtue. I the old technologist, and unemployed vet, seeks to work for you the people.

2.What are issues important to Milwaukee that you think the state legislature should be addressing?

The major issue for Milwaukee is social and economic inequity. We need to slowly hack away at our disparity in economic opportunity that separates us by so called race, ethnicity, and physical location. We need to build an equitable society where the meritocracy is based on what each member can contribute to society, while insuring that those who are less fortunate have shelter, cloths, food, and an opportunity to find love. We should strive, as our past generations did, to be the “Athens of the Midwest,” to find the greatness, nobility, and talent that resides within the hearts and minds of our people, all our people.

We also need to make our contribution to reducing our CO2 footprint and preparing ourselves the inevitable economic ramifications of the shift off fossil fuels.

3.What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I have business experience in technology, one of the types of businesses we need more of in Milwaukee. I have experience and worked with venture capitalists, both here and on both coasts. I am a veteran of our last war in Iraq and have a service related disability, so I have the VA experience. I have had a lifelong interest in history, including the history of Milwaukee, the history of politics and political philosophy, and the history of transportation. I understand infrastructure and amortization of capital investments, not from theory but practice.

I am a romantic, yet I can take the 10,000-foot practical overview. I can read and/or generate a balance sheet, a pro forma, a business proposal.

I want us to be future oriented, to align our economy, education system, and infrastructure to maximize the future prosperity of all our people.

4.What’s a little known fact about yourself?

It seems like a long time ago, before I went to war, but I ran against Scott Walker in 2004. I have a humanitarian medal from the National Guard for working at the Black River Falls flood in the 1990s. I have climbed the steps of the Ziggurat at Ur in Iraq and visited the USSR before the fall.

Joseph T. Klein – Candidate WI 19th Assembly, Wisconsin Pirate Party
Direct +1 414 628-3380
Madison +1 608-237-1375
Milwaukee +1 414-939-4770

You can learn more about Joe Klein and his campaign by visiting his website.


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