My thoughts on Marina Dimitrijevic’s record of working with Scott Walker

On Monday Shaina shared her thoughts on Democratic Assembly candidate Marina Dimitrijevic’s statement touting her record of working with Scott Walker as if that somehow qualifies her to serve in the State Assembly, but I wanted to share my thoughts as well.

First, here’s Dimitrijevic’s statement.

What sets her apart from her opponents, Dimitrijevic says, is her record of working with everyone – even Republican Gov. Scott Walker when he was Milwaukee County executive – to get things done.

In an Assembly district that’s as solidly Democratic as any outside of Dane County, it’s curious to see Marina Dimitrijevic touting her ability to work with Scott Walker – who’s absolutely been no friend to progressives – as one of her qualifications for a promotion to the State Assembly as a Democrat.

Curiously, Dimitrijevic’s willingness to work with conservatives isn’t confined to Scott Walker, as she has demonstrated a willingness in the past to work with Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who is no liberal, despite the “D” next to his name on the ballot.

What’s even more ironic about Dimitrijevic’s comment is that shortly after Urban Milwaukee published her statement and Shaina wrote about it, Marina Dimitrijevic received the endorsement of progressive blog Cognitive Dissidence, a blog that has attacked Dimitrijevic’s fellow Democratic candidate Dan Adams because of his stated willingness to work with Republicans.

Personally, I’m going to support the Democratic candidate for Assembly who will stand up and fight for progressive values in the State Assembly, instead of working with Scott Walker, a man who’s proven time and time again that he’s averse to any form of compromise with Democrats. In my opinion that candidate is Jonathan Brostoff, and that’s why he has my support.


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1 thought on “My thoughts on Marina Dimitrijevic’s record of working with Scott Walker

  1. You’d vote for a candidate who opposed a health bill which passed the Senate unanimously? Yup, Brostoff’s your candidate alright.

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