A couple of tidbits I found interesting as I look through campaign financial reports

Just a few election-related tidbits I found interesting as I’ve been combing through campaign finance reports.

  • “Make It” Molly McGartland, the thrice-defeated Republican challenger to Democratic State Rep. Christine Sinicki, loaned her campaign $6,000 during the most recent reporting period (and over $12,000 total) and spent $5,900 on her campaign website. I may not be an IT/web design expert, but paying $5,900 for a campaign website for a State Assembly seems more than a little excessive, not to mention foolhardy. My advice to Molly McGartland? Invest some money in getting better canvassers, because the folks McGartland had doing doors for her campaign clearly didn’t know what they were doing.
  • And then there’s Jason “Red” Arnold, who according to this Facebook post believes his 29-point loss to Democratic State Sen. Chris Larson was because of a lack of voter ID laws, and not because his “campaign” raised just $1,578 and Arnold himself was a terrible candidate.

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1 thought on “A couple of tidbits I found interesting as I look through campaign financial reports

  1. Yeah, that does seem excessive… Over $100,000.00 for a seat on the madison school board is juuuuuust right! I’m sure now that the great, white, female, 1%’er hope (Mary Burke) has lost we can all see the folly in that choice…

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