Scott Walker says Hillary Clinton’s embrace of amnesty “unfair to U.S. workers”

I wonder if Republican Gov. Scott Walker was able to keep a straight face when he attacked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s call for full and equal citizenship for undocumented immigrants as being “unfair to U.S. workers,” given how notoriously anti-worker Gov. Walker has shown himself to be during his time as Governor of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is slamming Hillary Clinton’s new approach to immigration as a “full embrace of amnesty.” In Nevada Tuesday, Clinton said she would not only protect President Obama’s unilateral executive actions on immigration but that she would go beyond them to offer new status to currently illegal immigrants. And she said her final goal for those who came to the U.S. illegally is “full and equal citizenship.”

“Hillary Clinton’s full embrace of amnesty is unfair to hardworking Americans and all immigrants who followed the law to achieve the rights and privileges afforded to U.S. citizens,” Walker said in a statement Wednesday.

Given Gov. Walker’s extreme anti-worker record during his time as Governor of Wisconsin, he’s certainly in no position to criticize anyone else for being anti-worker.


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