32 thoughts on “Here’s your sunny Sunday open thread!

  1. Zach, thanks.

    Can “Wisconsin Supreme Court ends John Doe probe into Scott Walker’s campaign”

    be a “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”


    moment for Wisconsin Democrats, liberals, and progressives?

    Could outdoor advertising (billboard) in Madison be part of a self-funding integrated media response to hold Justices Bradley, Gabelman, Prosser and Ziegler accountable?

    “We own C.F.G.,” is an example of a quote from the John Doe that could fit on a billboard.

    It’s from “R.J. Johnson, a Walker campaign official and paid staffer at the Club for Growth who was at the center of the case.”


    “As the Governor discussed … he wants all the issue advocacy efforts run thru one group to ensure correct messaging,” is another.

    Below the quote, a url to a web site would explain the context and provide a link where people could donate to keep the billboard up.

    Another strong candidate for display is the amounts the defendants in the John Doe spent to elect the four Justices. For example

    Justice Prosser: WMC spent $2,000,000
    Citizens for a Strong America spent $985,000
    Wisconsin Club for Growth spent an estimated $520,000 supporting Prosser. – See more at: http://www.prwatch.org/news/2015/02/12734/walker-wisconsin-supreme-court-recuse#sthash.8W5vhQe7.dpuf

    If Sly in Madison http://www.slysoffice.com/ isn’t interested, I don’t see this going very far. If Sly supports it, I could see other Madison radio stations covering it.

    “How John Chisholm’s bad bet boosted Gov. Scott Walker,”

    explains that it was surviving the recall that’s providing the energy to Walker’s presidential ambitions. It’s only fitting that we redirect that energy in the direction it was intended.

    Without the threat of criminal prosecution, as far as I know, Gov. Walker can no longer duck questions about the John Doe. Would this campaign cause the national media covering Gov. Walker to ask him about the John Doe? Would Jeb Bush’s campaign, Marco Rubio’s campaign, all the other GOP presidential candidates consider contributing to this?

    Absent a vigorous response, what message are we sending about “prosecutorial immunity?” Chisholm, Schmitz, and others involved in the John Doe now face legal jeopardy from the same oligarchs who bought Gov. Walker and the Supreme Court.

    “Statement from Prosecutor in John Doe Case, Francis Schmitz”

    “Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:17 PM
    Subject: Statement regarding Wisconsin Supreme court ruling
    To: I am disappointed with today’s ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court and respectfully disagree with the conclusions drawn by the majority which end the investigation. The decision represents a loss for all of the citizens of Wisconsin — independents, Democrats and Republicans alike. It defies common sense that a Wisconsin resident of average means who gives $25 to a campaign has his or her name publicly reported under the law but, according to this decision, someone who gives, for example, $100,000 to a group which closely coordinates with the same campaign can remain anonymous. The United States Supreme Court has fittingly characterized such donations as “disguised contributions” to the candidate. As stated in Wisconsin Statute 11.001, “[w]hen the true source of support or extent of support is not fully disclosed, or when a candidate becomes overly dependent upon large private contributors, the democratic process is subjected to a potential corrupting influence.”

    Particular justices assert as fact many allegations that I specifically denied in my response materials. There has been no fact-finding hearing conducted at any level establishing, for example, that search warrants were executed unprofessionally or that persons were denied an opportunity to contact their attorneys. All of these search warrants were audio-recorded and it is wrong for the court to accept as true the information alleged by some of the Unnamed Movants and their media outlets.

    It is also unfortunate that the citizens of Wisconsin will not have the benefit of a public discussion of the facts and the law because the court decided not to allow oral argument. Consequently, I was denied the opportunity to appropriately respond to the campaign of misinformation about how and why the investigation was conducted.”


    Is it now legal for drug cartels and foreign oligarchs to secretly buy the elections from which Wisconsin selects who will serve in the executive, legislative, and judicial branch?

    While “Animal House,” may be more recent, “High Noon:” (Gary Cooper won the Oscar for the Best Actor in this classic tale of a lawman who stands alone to defend a town of cowardly citizens against a gang of revenge-seeking criminals. )


    more aptly describes our situation.

    In terms of a steering committee to make the tough decisions about if and how to try to implement some iteration of this, I start with Zach. Then, here’s my first stab in no particular order.

    @brendan_fischer General Counsel at Center for Media and Democracy

    @JanineGeske retired Wis. Supreme Court Justice, Distinguished Prof of Law Marquette
    Law School, Restorative Justice Initiative

    Randy Bryce @IronStache Proud father/Army Vet/Union Ironworker/Labor Activist/Winter Warrior

    @JudLounsbury I live on a small farm south of Madison with my wife and four kids; write for
    @TheProgressive & Uppity WIS; and was formerly America’s #1 press secretary.

    Scott Ross @onewisconsinnow

    Mike McCabe @bluejean_nation
    Commoners working to house the politically homeless and transform parties that are failing America.

    Martha Laning DPW Chair http://www.wisdems.org/

    Sly has an unparalleled knowledge of local politics which he shares with his listeners daily.

    @cog_dis Social Worker, Blogger, Pundit, Union Thug, Social Media Guru, Freelance Writer, and oh, yeah, King of the Hate Left.

    1. YAWN.

      Every liberal activist JUDGE in madison and Dane county spend every waking moment ruling against logic and reasoning. But it is the supreme court that is partisan… OK got it!

      YAWN, every democratic candidate for office has done worse with issue advocacy groups and you don’t seem to care.

      Happy sunday

      1. Can you name a liberal activist judge in Madison or Dane County and point to a decision where that Judge took $Millions in campaign contributions from the same people who where being investigated and wanted to be excused for their criminal activities by that same Judge? I didn’t thinks so.

        I would surmise that JC was pointing out what is obvious to any person not brain-dead or having had their ass saved from prosecution by the decision, that the quashing of the John Doe (as it happened) goes quite a way beyond simply partisan support and it is judicial criminal misconduct in its most blatant and basic form.

        Everybody does it is pure unadulterated lying on your part and is in no way a legal justification for what happened in this instance, even if any other judge was found to have ruled in any case under similar circumstances.

        When you jump from judges to political candidates in your last sentence, and say they all do it too, I’ll assume you are now speaking of illegal campaign coordination with donors and are admitting that Walker was guilty and that there was sufficient evidence being uncovered for Fed Judge Peterson to have allowed the Doe to continue in 2012.

        Appreciate your confirmation of what most of us already suspected about Walker from the evidence already made public.

      2. Franklin,

        Yes, per your “yawn,” you’re sleeping your way through life.

        No surprise to see you oppose “individual responsibility.”

        From the Bradley Foundation’s “Program Interests:”

        “This expansive understanding of citizenship is being challenged today, however, by contemporary forces and ideas that regard individuals more as passive and helpless victims of powerful external forces than as personally responsible, self-governing citizens, and that foster a deep skepticism about citizenly values and mediating structures.


        Doesn’t this ruling create a “nanny state” for the elites, where their donations are “coddled” in a way that the 99%’s are not?

  2. On the conservative blog Boots and Sabers there is a guy named Kevin Scheunemann who frequently writes the most ridiculous, intolerant, hateful and discriminating posts. I recognize his right to say what he wants. However, he happens to be the village president of Kewaskum and president of the Kewaskum Kewanis Club. His anti-gay, anti-Muslim and anti-black rhetoric falls well short of what is moral, ethical and professional. The village of Kewaskum and the Kewaskum Kewanis Club must have professional codes of ethics. The Village certainly has anti discrimination guidelines. Please help me expose this baffoon and call for his resignation. He isn’t reliant on the income from either of these positions. Therefore, calling for his resignation wouldn’t effect him or his family financially. Thank you in advance for helping end this kind of suppressive and bigoted pontificating.

    1. W. Blue, right you are.

      Kiwanis calls their values “objects.”

      “The six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International were approved by Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Kiwanis International Convention in Denver, Colorado. Through the decades, they have remained unchanged.

      To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
      To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
      To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards.
      To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.
      To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.
      To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.”


      If you can link to any of his Boots and Sabre posts, anyone can call the national chapter and fax them copies.

      3636 Woodview Trace
      Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196 USA

      Toll free:
      1-800-549-2647 (dial 411)
      (US and Canada)

      +1-317-875-8755 (dial 411)


    2. Black gay Muslims are some of the best people in the world!!! Unless of course IS IS is nearby, then you would just be killed on the spot!

      Go ISIS!

  3. Hey!!! another Tuesday morning and another release of a gruesome Planned Parenthood video with a top medical director discussing selling baby body parts and altering abortion techniques to do illegal methods to harvest better organs for buyers.

    NON. Do you have any questions or comments related to the latest video clearly showing a medical director haggling on the prices for baby body parts nothing man come on

    1. If you really want to reduce abortions and stop this latest cause Charlie Sykes has told you to parrot, then you should be in favor of free access to contraceptives, increased funding for public education, and increasing the minimum wage. Those things are all proven to reduce abortions, much more than your conservative feel good, unconstitutional abortion bans. Otherwise, if you’re not going to get behind such real substantive measures, you’re a hypocrite, and you should shut up and quit embarrassing yourself and the rest of your fellow Right Wisconsin trolls.

      1. “Latest cause I’ve been told to parrot”!!!

        You do realize that I’m talking about the use of illegal abortion techniques and the subsequent selling of baby organs right!!!

        Yes of course you do, but hey it us no big deal!

        Heck I happen to be not a pro life person but these acts most certainly ARE HAPPENING and are illegal according to the laws of the UNITED STATES.

        Clearly you will continue to look the other way because you support the organizing despite the FACT that they are routinely preform acts against humanity!

        1. “Acts against humanity”! What do you call torture? Wasn’t that a huge issue supported by Republicans last couple go ’rounds? I swear the constant echoes of ignorance are starting to take a toll. However, I do enjoy seeing Republicans end up on the wrong side of history over and over and over again. I guess that’s telling in and of itself.

          1. Uh… I have no words….

            Tell me Waukesha blue, do you support the actions that planned Parenthood has been doing?

            Do you support utilizing ILLEGAL BIRTH CONTROL methods to support an industry that is profiting off of aborting babies?

            Aborting babies so that you can harvest their organs is midst certainly something that I would qualify as an act against humanity. In sorry of astounded that you don’t few that way.

            Simple question, do you support the behavior of planned Parenthood in regards to this particular behavior?

            1. Franklin,

              Except in your imagination, no one is defending the organ black market.

              Simple questions, to what pro-life group(s) do you send money? How many babies have they saved?

              1. Absolutely zero.

                Funny that I’m not hearing a single person of liberal ilk making an affirmative statement blasting planned Parenthood and their organ sales. I do hear plenty of people acting as if this is all a Republican conspiracy when you have medical directors dreaming of Lamborghini’s off of sold baby organs.

                1. FJ,
                  I’m not foolish enough to make a statement on something that hasn’t been proven. These videos have, admittedly, been edited. Also, from the video that does exist fair compensation is sought for the donated tissue and organs. All within the law as it exists. Furthermore, you have made a critical mistake and that’s to assume that I support abortion in the first place. I will wait for a formal investigation and will reserve my judgment until then. Any time there is an edited video from a group with motives I will question the legitimacy and authenticity. Anything short of that would be irresponsible.

                2. Franklin, you send “zero,” dollars to pro-life groups.

                  You claim abortion is the 21st century, “slaughter of the innocents,” (Matthew 2:13-23).

                  How are you not enabling it? How is your conscience clear?

                  1. Uh I never made a claim while qouting the bible… I stated selling babies organs and performing illegal abortion procedures in order to better preserve organs that are sold for profit is behind reprehensible.

                    The latest video with yet another medical director discussing pricing for intact organs and repaint previous statehood discussing illegal methods to abort the fetus while out lodging dreaming of Lamborghini’s seems pretty damNing but I digress.

                    1. F.Y.I. The second video is also edited per admission of the group who filmed it. Discussing does not a crime make.

  4. Every time trump says something stupid everyone in the media insists that every other republican denounce him and his statements. You have a federally funded agency dismembering babies in a manner that is in direct violation of federal law and then selling the baby organs to the highest bidder and their are crickets from the media and every left leaning candidate. Perfect example of hypocrosy.

    1. Frankly Johnson,
      When you watch media that originates in an elephants hind end I can understand why you are so confused. I saw four different international media outlets covering this story. It was also covered by the national media and the “world news” on the station I usually watch at 5:30 pm. It’s also all over the internet. What more do you want… Sky writing. Rhetoric, pure rhetoric.

      1. Waukesha blue, I would love for you to direct me to one reporter that has questioned Hillary Clinton about this or for one statement made by Hillary Clinton in relation to the Planned Parenthood story thank you for your time

        1. It’s not my responsibility to do your research or to feed your nonsense. With that said, no one had to question any responding Republican. They ran to the media to get air time on this topic. Irresponsible pandering on a unsubstantiated video is not what I’m looking for in any politician regardless of party affiliation.

        2. Franklin,

          Unlike you, Planned Parenthood actually “saves” babies. Through them a lot of women get birth control.

          1. And affordable prenatal care and assistance with delivery and direction to education on infant child care.

            Zach, time for the troll to fish somewhere else, even though I’m still waiting with bated breath for an answer to understand who the Dane Co and Madison activist judges are and what decisions they made to fit the apparently indefensible claims made, in what appears to be a deliberate diversion of discussion from the Walker Supreme WMCourt that led this page on Sunday, into what is now being reported as a contrived and heavily edited video hit piece against Planned Parenthood.


            1. “..time for the fish to troll elsewhere…”

              non, I second that motion! Enough is enough. As I have said elsewhere, once the single issue, abortion folks get on this topic, all sense of balance, importance, priority on other more or equally important life issues is lost.

              This “concern” for only the “unborn” by GOP leaders is deliberate and hypocritical to distract from other “life” issues such as a living wage, global warming, pollution, health care which negatively affects the bonuses, profit, and dividends of “unfettered capitalism.”

            2. Hey NON!!! This is a SUNDAY open thread debate!!! We can discuss whatever we want. THUS THE PHRASE “SUNDAY OPEN THREAD!!!”

    2. Franklin,

      Sec. Clinton isn’t doing any less than you to save babies.

      “The Campaign of Deception Against Planned Parenthood,” doesn’t agree with you.

      “A hidden-camera video released last week purported to show that Planned Parenthood illegally sells tissue from aborted fetuses. It shows nothing of the sort.”

      The full video of the lunch meeting, over two hours long and released by the Center for Medical Progress after complaints by Planned Parenthood, shows something very different from what these critics claim. Clearly, the shorter version was edited to eliminate statements by Dr. Nucatola explaining that Planned Parenthood does not profit from tissue donation, which requires the clear consent of the patient. Planned Parenthood affiliates only accept money — between $30 and $100 per specimen, according to Dr. Nucatola — to cover costs associated with collecting and transporting the tissue.


      Looking forward to your response.

      1. Yes John, you are right, nothing to see here, No illegal activity at all.

        Carry on!

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