Myron Buchholz: Which side are you on, Ron? (VIDEO)

Myron Buchholz, who’s challenging incumbent Democratic Rep. Ron Kind in the third Congressional district, has a new ad asking which side Kind is on when it comes to so-called “free trade” agreements like the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership, agreements which have historically resulted in the outsourcing of jobs to countries like Mexico and China.

Here’s the ad.


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4 thoughts on “Myron Buchholz: Which side are you on, Ron? (VIDEO)

  1. Not set to music, Ron, but what are the benefits for the middle class who are losing their ass???

    1. Let’s hope Blogging Blue asks both candidates for quasi-official Party exclusive interviews, giving each equal time, asking those hard questions to both people. Wisconsin’s primary is April 5th.

      Just saying…

        1. Yes, my mistake on the date. I’m sorry.

          The Buchholz / Kind campaigns now will have 4 more months to get their ideas out to voters, and that race resembles the Sanders / Clinton race in many ways. The policy ideas each represents, as well as the treatment by the mass media and the Party elites in the DNC and DPW (which has a lot of control from the DNC).

          Let’s hope that these primaries are made meaningful, with our votes being fully-informed choices, as well as big turnouts. I’m looking forward to see all the coverage these campaigns get leading up to their days at the ballot booth.

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