Walker Was Indeed Foxconned?

Yes, in the season of Halloween and Trick or Treat, Fortune is saying that Governor Scott Walker got more trick than treat from Foxconn. That’s rather inconvenient since he is currently campaigning on his $4 billion coup (lol…cough cough). Or again maybe he’s not!

All told, public subsidies have risen to more than $315,000 per job, and aren’t expected to be recouped by the state until after 2050–if ever.

Scott and Foxconn declined comment for The Verge story. But the report parses recent statements to local press by Foxconn spokesman Louis Woo suggesting that the company now plans to build a less advanced facility, then eventually shift from TV screens to thin-film transistor fabrication. The company still promises to create 13,000 jobs, although it doesn’t say by when. But Woo says the plant will require assembly line workers for only about 10% of jobs, and less defined “knowledge workers” for the remaining 90%.

Donald Trump, barnstorming in Wisconsin earlier this month, took credit for bringing the Foxconn plant to Wisconsin, calling it “the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.” But polls suggest a majority Wisconsin voters now doubt the factory will benefit the state. Scott, locked in an unexpectedly tough re-election campaign, generally avoids mentioning it on the stump.

Looks like the governor won’t be counting these jobs in his tally to make 250,000 new jobs during his tenure (although he’s already years late on that promise too).


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