I Pity The Fool Who Takes His Course(s):

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan to teach about U.S. government, political polarization at Notre Dame

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan will teach at the University of Notre Dame next school year, the school announced Monday.

Ryan, the Janesville Republican, will be a guest lecturer on “the fundamentals of American government, the current state of political polarization.” He’ll also teach topics including Catholicism and economics.

Economics? Paul Ryan knows less about real economics than any of the readers of this blog…he’s the last person that I would think if when considering an economics lecturer. Just because he was self touted as an economic nerd in the House doesn’t make it so.

By the way, let’s put this quote in the back of our memory banks. It might come in handy the next time someone starts complaining about liberal college professors, lack of free speech, etc:

“As an Irish Catholic from the Midwest, the University of Notre Dame has always held a special place in my heart,” Ryan said in a university statement. “It is an honor to be part of a University where Catholic principles, robust debates, academic freedoms and diverse viewpoints are allowed to flourish.

As much as I hope to impart as a lecturer, I know that I will learn a tremendous amount from Notre Dame’s remarkable students as we discuss the big challenges before our nation and collaborate on how best to address them.”

I just can’t…


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