Kook of the Month: Lauren Boebert

Step aside, Marjorie Taylor Greene, there’s a new kid in town.

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert told a crowd of constituents last week that she believes there will soon be a wave of arrests and resignations of Democratic congress people that could lead to the GOP retaking majorities in the House and Senate before the 2022 mid-terms. Yes, you read me correctly.

Rather than expound at length on what I believe to be evidence that Boebert is suffering from what I would call a functional psychosis, I’ll let you listen in for yourself.

There is an upside in all of this. As Boebert likely continues to make one wildly failed bombshell prediction after another over the next many months I should think her credibility, even with the QAnon faithful, will plummet precipitously to the point that her re-election will be near impossible. With any luck she’ll travel to Wisconsin next year to campaign for Ron Johnson. They could call it the ” LauBo/RoJo/Loco Tour”. I look forward to it.


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