Sen. Ron Johnson Earns Another Pants On Fire: claiming the existence of COVID Interment Camps.

Wisconsin’s biggest elected embarrassment since Sen. Joe McCarthy just earned another Pants On Fire award from Politifact Wisconsin over his assertion that there are COVID internment camps for the unvaccinated ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Senator Johnson’s statement:

Around the world, people who exercise their “health autonomy” and don’t get vaccinated are being put “basically into internment camps.”

Politifact summary:

Johnson claimed that “around the world,” people who refused to get vaccinated were being placed “basically into internment camps.”

Such camps throughout history have been used to corral those whom nations deem political prisoners or enemies, forcing people to live there for years. In comparison, the quarantine facility Johnson cited is for Australian residents returning home from abroad who stay there for two weeks, then get to go home. 

In addition, Johnson spoke generally of those who are not vaccinated being sent to camps, but the example he cited was a facility for travelers. And while he said the practice was occurring “around the world,” he was only able to provide one such example. 

We rate this claim Pants on Fire.

My suggestion to Wisconsin: don’t re-elect Senator Ron Johnson and then purchase a one way ticket for him to…somewhere foreign and exotic…like Manzanar!


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