Why Is This Conservative Think Tank So Afraid of PA Gov. Josh Shapiro?

And why are they spending so much money to try to torpedo him in Milwaukee??

The following full page ad paid for by the Commonwealth Foundation has appeared at least three times in the past week in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I am including three images, the complete ad and the upper and lower halves separately for better readability.

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The only reason that I can think of is Josh Shapiro is the Democratic Governor of a strategic swing state for 2024 and is on a suggested short list of vice-presidential candidates (and maybe even presidential candidate) should President Joe Biden withdraw from the 2024 Presidential campaign.

But it is still interesting that the Commonwealth Foundation saw fit to advertise Gov. Shapiro’s supposed lack of success with a divided government…when some on the left might actually view that as a strength…not backing down from progressive positions and not compromising with the opposition. The right would certainly see that as a plus in one of their candidates.

And I find it odd that they would pick Milwaukee to advertise and that they would pick the week the RNC is in Milwaukee. Why do they think Milwaukee cares? All the focus in the media here is on the RNC news. Do they think the RNC delegates care or are even paying attention to the local paper? So what is their reasoning?

BTW: they have included WI Governor Tony Evers in their comparison list. Given the state of the Do Nothing GOP legislators in WI who oppose all things Evers, I am surprised he ranks as well as he does.

If any of you have seen these ads elsewhere or have an inkling on what they hope to accomplish, please share in the comments.


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1 thought on “Why Is This Conservative Think Tank So Afraid of PA Gov. Josh Shapiro?

  1. Here in Wisconsin, isn’t it the GOP legislature who “ain’t getting sh*t done”, even approved budgetary funding is being denied by our gerrymandered GOP legislature.

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