Ideas On Wisconsin State Income Tax Reform

After showing little taste for a flat tax during the 2022 campaign cycle, the Republicans in charge in Madison are now actually considering the unwarranted tax cut for the state’s fat cats without any actual relief for most of the rest of us (Wisconsin GOP’s Latest Bait and Switch? The…

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Who’s Gonna To Tell Her That She’s Not On Team Normal?

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The Wisconsin GOP Is Afraid Of YOU, the Voter!

Both the Democratic and Republican parties of Wisconsin are trying to give an extra boost to their get out the vote efforts for the non-partisan spring election by adding advisory referenda to the ballot. This spring in particular because there is going to be a very nasty race for the…

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Isn’t Congress In Session? And So Where Does Ron Johnson Actually Live?? FLORIDA?

Screen shot from this morning’s Meet The Press. If you want a bit of the highlights, click here. Rojo is still just being an embarrassment to Wisconsin and the Nation.

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So, What Has The Bobster Been Up To?

Your best friend in childhood has the formal given name of Robert. His folks called him Bob or Bobbie. Somewhere along the line he picked up the nickname, Bobster. He’s cool with it. You’re cool with it. Everyone is cool with it. So cool in fact, that (Bobster) will be…

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Remember the Maine! Remember the Alamo! Remember January 6th!!

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Ron Johnson Cult Continues Fake Endorser Ads!

Here we are supposed to accept that John is a former Eau Claire police officer. But again we don’t have a surname for retired officer John. And again Ron Johnson gets a little Willie Horton style help from Is this an Eau Claire cop uniform?? Even when I increase…

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Ron Johnson Says We Don’t Need To Pass Legislation To Protect Marriage Equality

He says it’s settled law and no matter what Justice Clarence Thomas said in his support of reversing Roe v. Wade, eliminating marriage equality just won’t happen. Yet, the common knowledge was that Roe v. Wade was settled law and well….we all know what did in fact happen. So, this…

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So, Is This Human Trafficking or Just Plain Kidnapping?

It was reported that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) flew at least one plane (maybe two) with fifty immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard…piggy backing on the bus stunts of Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R). But the immigrants Abbott has been sending north came from Texas…and guess what…those sent by DeSantis did…

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Today’s Stolen Social Media Post: “Why didn’t Joe Biden unify us??”

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