Celebrating Juneteenth Day!

Now that President Donald Trump has made Juneteenth Day famous… This would have been the 49th Anniversary of Juneteenth Day Street Festival in Milwaukee, had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic. But there are numerous activities and events around the city to commemorate. And for the first time, both…

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Your Protests Are Being Heard…Now Register To Vote To Insure Your Vision

The Fall Primary Elections are August 11, 2020 and the Fall General/Presidential Election is November 3, 2020. The world sees your protest…it sees your engagement…your presence in the moment. Cement the moment. Insure your vision moves forward in 2021 without fail…register to vote…and then VOTE!

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A Message From Joe Biden on the 2020 ELECTIONS!

I ignored the original email yesterday because I had other things on my mind…but Tom Perez reminded me in this morning’s email. Joe Biden as the nominee for president from the Democratic Party knows that we need more than just a D in the White House in 2021. Here are…

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From President Barack Obama:

How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change. [reprinted here in its entirety] As millions of people across the country take to the streets and raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing problem of unequal justice, many people have reached…

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Nomination Papers for Fall Elections

We mentioned this a few weeks ago, but nomination papers for the fall general elections need to be turned in June 1st. And as we reported in this Age of Contagion, candidates are having an issue collecting signatures. The usual spring venues of festivals, parades and other events have all…

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It’s up to us. Editorial from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

This editorial appeared on the front page of this morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I am reprinting here in total. I agree with it. I will have comments on it later in another post. It’s up to us.  We can’t count on our elected representatives to work together for the public…

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Cudahy Alderman Justin Moralez cited for assaulting Cudahy mayor

This is why the City of Cudahy has such a poor reputation… A Cudahy alderman received a disorderly conduct citation — accused of assaulting the mayor, and the bad blood is tied to an outbreak of COVID-19 at the Patrick Cudahy meat processing plant. “It needed to be done, and…

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Distance Learning: Why Aren’t We Using Television?

W-a-a-a-a-a-y back in the day, I attended a Catholic parochial elementary school. We had seven teachers for eight classes…the choir director came in to teach music…but we had no art teacher…we had no library. But at that time Milwaukee channel 10, WMVS, (owned and operated by the Milwaukee Vocational School…

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Liberate Wisconsin Or What?

In March, Governor Tony Evers instituted a ‘safer at home’ program for all of Wisconsin. It is based on advice coming out of the guidelines issued by the White House Coronavirus Task Force and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Until recently that was pretty non-controversial and Wisconsin…

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Waukesha County’s Ill Use Of The First Amendment

This is just a short take on something that appeared in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel…journalists Daphne Chen and Rory Linnane wrote a telling article about COVID-19 and Wisconsin nursing homes. I am not going into that topic directly…but a little aside that appears in the text. But when trying to…

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