Joe Biden On The Death of George Floyd.

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Milwaukee Curfew From 9 PM tonight Until 7 AM Sunday.

From Alderwoman Milele Coggs’ Facebook page: ***City of Milwaukee Curfew*** The curfew will be in effect from 9:00 pm tonight until 7:00 am Sunday morning. People exempt from curfew are individuals going to and coming from work, social workers, and members with the Office of Violence Prevention. ***Please stay home…

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I Can’t Breathe…

Reuters won’t let me link to their excerpt from Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s speech about the murder of George Floyd. It is worth the trouble to click through and watch it. The excerpt is 1.33… Rest In Peace Mr. Floyd.

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Doctors Without Borders Shouldn’t Be Needed In The US!

This is a truly disturbing, What The Fuck! moment in the United States. If nothing is more indicative of our slippage toward third world status under the Trump regime, having Doctors Without Borders set up shop in the US to help the Navajo nation is the final proof. The United…

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And We Don’t This Either: Confederate Flags Just Don’t Fly

This photo was from the protest in Brookfield last Friday. And before everyone goes nuts, no this isn’t the photo from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that some right wing yahoos claimed was photo shopped. This is a photo from another source that shows two different individuals with Gadsden flags…one mit…

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So When Will The US Stop Having To Say The First (minority) To Be A (job title)?

America wants to celebrate diversity. It is a keyword and a buzzword for almost every organization going. Politicians throw it around saying they will implement it in their offices or cabinets and expound at length about how to make America or their state or their city express its diversity. Every…

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One Thing The Trump Rally Disproved

That visiting downtown Milwaukee at night is unsafe! Despite the fear mongering and rumors of the past, thousands of suburban white people attended a large event in central downtown Milwaukee…without a care in the world. How did that happen?

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An All White Democratic Debate? Well almost…

Senator Kamala Harris was one of the Democratic Presidential Candidates who had made the minimum requirements to participate in this Thursday’s debate. She was the only person of color at that point. So when she dropped out it looked like we were going to have an all white panel. And…

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Nikki Haley Out Of Touch With Meaning of Confederate Flag

For a woman of color to try to defend the continued display of the Confederate Flag is simply beyond the realm of belief. But yet, here we are with the former Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, saying just that. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley…

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Catching Up On the MKE County Executive Race

From the email this morning…former candidate for governor, Matt Flynn, has endorsed Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive: I am excited to support the campaign of my good friend Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive.  Bryan was my campaign manager in 2018 and he shares my progressive values….

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