Polls Are Open: VOTE!

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There were no voting machine errors during the November 2022 general election in Wisconsin, new statewide audit shows

Just putting this out there without further comment: MADISON – Voting machines counted ballots accurately during the November 2022 general election, results of a new statewide audit show. About 222,000 ballots, or 8.4% of the total number cast during the Nov. 8 election, were audited by county and municipal clerks…

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The Lack Of Wisconsin State Revenue Sharing Is Hurting More Than Just The Big Blue Cities!

Even Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos admits the state revenue sharing with local governments is broken despite having his fingerprints all over the current levels. And led by Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, a number of Wisconsin mayors have banded together to work with the Assembly to get something done. There’s…

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Speaker Vos: I Don’t Need A Tax Cut In 2023!

Yes, I am one of those retired guys living on a fixed income that you keep hearing about. And yes inflation has taken a couple of chunks out of my wallet. But right now I am willing to forgo another state income tax cut because there are some other things…

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Wisconsin Online Voter Registration Ends When?

BTW: you can register at the polls on November 8th.

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RNC Brings 2024 Circus To Milwakee: Some Lessons For The GOP In Madison??

From former Gov. Tommy Thompson’s “Stick it to ’em”, to Scott Walker’s ACT 10 attack, and on to the continued shared revenue cut backs for Milwaukee coming out of GOP Madison, suddenly there is some bi-partisan making nice going on as RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says Milwaukee has it all….

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Milwaukee Elected A New Mayor And Then This Happened On Twitter

from Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s Twitter feed this evening: Bring it on!!! I’ll host!!

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A Map of the North Shore Districts adjacent to Milwaukee

Instead of breaking up MPS, let’s merge!

Dear Senator Alberta Darling, It’s good to hear from you. I was getting worried; it’s been a couple of election cycles since you’ve popped up with any anti-Milwaukee nonsense (I don’t think I have written you since 2016!), but here you are, just in time to distract the GOP base…

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The One Thing The Wisconsin Legislature Taught Us in 2020:

Wisconsin doesn’t need a full time legislature! Despite being in the worst pandemic in a century and the resulting economic fall out, in 2020, the Wisconsin State Legislature didn’t meet for months on end and took insignificant actions to solve the problems the state and the nation faced…other than suing…

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Interim UW President Tommy Thompson Resigns…Thank You For Your Efforts for UW!

Other than the Wisconsin State Legislature, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents is one of the more inept organizations in the state. They have been unable to hire a new University System President for essentially years now. One of the best things they did was to hire former Wisconsin…

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