A New Record Thursday! A New Record Friday! 2,533 New Positive COVID-19 Cases!

Yeah, so yeah, let’s bring on a Big Ten Football season. Today, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported 2,533 new positive cases of COVID-ID in Wisconsin. A new daily record and the second day in a row of a new record…and the only two days that Wisconsin has exceeded…

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Remember How Unfair Locking Down The Entire State Was?

One of the rationales behind the lawsuit that ultimately overturned Governor Tony Evers’ Safer At Home policy. Initially the big outbreaks of COVID-19 were mainly in urban areas like Madison and Milwaukee, and the rural and upstate areas chafed under the restrictions because they had so few cases. And then…

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If The Kenosha Protestors Were An Armed Mob, Kyle Rittenhouse Wouldn’t Be Alive

Whenever we have a mass shooting or other gun violence, the reply we always get from the NRA crowd or the Second Amendment expansionists is…if more people were armed, some good guy with a gun would take out the miscreant. So if the Kenosha protests were actually populated by an…

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Senator Ron Johnson Promoting Violent Insurrections and Fomenting Domestic Terrorism

Apparently Wisconsin’s Senator Ron Johnson is touting the intervention of “citizen soldiers” to quell rioting and prevent looting. That is a dog whistle to armed militia in the Trump-o-sphere despite being a common term used to refer to the National Guard and the Army Reserve. But given the context of…

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Apparently The Rioters, Looters, and Anarchists Aren’t Really That Big A Deal As Trump Plans To Visit Kenosha!

Just sayin: President Donald Trump will visit Kenosha on Tuesday after the city has gone three nights without any unrest, according to a White House pool report. After a rally in New Hampshire on Friday, Trump said of the shooing (sic): “It was not a good sight. I didn’t like…

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So Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse Going To Throw Under The Bus??

Somebody else is going to be in deep shit too or Master Rittenhouse is digging himself a deeper hole. “Kyle did not carry a gun across state line,” L. Lin Wood said in a tweet Friday morning. “The gun belonged to his friend, a Wisconsin resident. The gun never left…

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Why Is Kenosha Getting National Guard Troops From Arizona And Alabama?

Because the Trump regime is using alphabetical order? (sarcasm) NPR this morning reported that the extra National Guard troops being sent to Kenosha are coming from (not here yet) Michigan, Alabama, and Arizona. But why? We have plenty of contiguous states with qualified Guard members who would certainly be just…

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Answer To My Question? What Was A 17 Year Old Doing With That Rifle?

In my post about the two people murdered and a third seriously wounded in Kenosha but a 17 year old BOY with an AR-15…my question was what was a 17 year old from Illinois doing in Kenosha with the rifle. Well from comments and news articles on line, nothing that…

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So Trump Sent More Than Just National Guard Troops To Kenosha

Apparently federal agents in unmarked and unlicensed black vehicles have ‘apprehended’ a group known as riot kitchen 206 before they could actually do anything. Seems a little heavy handed at the moment. Video has emerged showing law enforcement officials in Kenosha, Wisconsin, detaining people and forcing them into unmarked vehicles….

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Maybe Fox “journalists” Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Use Twitter Either

Don’t know who this guy is other than he’s an idiot. Mr. Jacob Blake is crippled but as far as I can tell he is still be treated for his injuries in a Milwaukee hospital. So what is this pos talking about?? And pay attention to the Retweet. NOTE: While…

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