Wisconsin – A Great State for Business?!?!?!

There is a recent article by Chiefexecutive.net where Wisconsin jumped from the 41st best business climate in the U.S. to 24th in a survey of 550 chief executive officers. We all know that if you can\'t trust a CEO, who can you trust really? Then papers like The Beloit Daily…

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What is the difference?

Yesterday in Madison, they debated the \"Keep Wisconsin from voting act\" in committee. During this committee hearing, there were two events that happened and I am trying to figure out the difference between the two. Event number 1. Protesters disrupted the meeting. Protesters disrupt meeting Three protesters hijacked the Joint…

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You scratch my back…I’ll scratch yours.

I have heard about this before, now it is starting to get some play. This from Redstate.com: During the 2010 election cycle, Wisconsinites received a revelation: The members of our state’s congressional delegation, we learned, had an “Unwritten Rule.” According to Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R, 5th CD), members of said…

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Recounts vs. Voter ID: Why Is Democracy So Damn Expensive?

The vote recount for the Supreme Court race between incumbent Justice Prosser and Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg is nearly over. The recount has been completed in 71 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. Only Waukesha County is still methodically performing their hand count and has only managed to recount about one…

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A Bad week for the taxpayers of WI!

Someday we might actually have a republican party that is fiscally conservative instead of one that just plays pretend. Unfortunately this week is not that time. While there is much uncertainty if this bill will stop any voter “fraud”, one thing is certain: First off, despite widespread opposition, the republicans…

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Disenfranchising Nuns for ****** sake!

Thanks to my friend and capital insider Ashley Schultz for bringing this event from the Supreme Court recount to my attention yesterday afternoon via Facebook. Here is her original posting from yesterday which is in the form of an email reposted by Charles Sykes. I probably would have overlooked it…

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Union Town

Tom Morello was obviously inspired when he came to Madison(on his own dime and early in the protests) to show his support for the workers of Wisconsin and the world! Enjoy!

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Scotty we’re coming for you….

Saw this video from The Kissers. It is a day early for Thursday music but couldn’t wait!

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Pink Slip Paulie

I just heard Ist Congressional Democratic Challenger to ryan Rob Zerban, give an interview with Sly, where he pointed out how when Paul ryan first ran for office, he ran a paycheck protection campaign. He promised he would keep people in Janesville working at GM. We all know how that…

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Boycotts and Brats : The Sequel

I posted a few days ago about how the World\'s Largest Bratfest had become somewhat of a political football. While many are torn on this issue, including me, there is one person who is not! His name is Ralph Stayer, and he is CEO of Johnsonville brats. Mr. Stayer recently…

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