is there anyone she likes?

After Vicki Pyzinski has spent most of the year hating on the teachers of our great state has some new targets. She spent the beginning of this week telling us how much she loathed the Police Officers and Firefighters of Wisconsin. She was upset that it was hard to hear…

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Deschane Deschane Deschane

One of Walker’s favorite families, The Deschane Family, is back in the news. In yesterdays complete fileting of Walker in Washington the brilliant hire of Brian Deschane was brought up. As Dan Bice reported: During today’s testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee , U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley…

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The ghost of Paul Ryan future…

I feel bad that with everything going on in Wisconsin, the horror show that is paul ryan has slipped through the cracks. Here is the perfect place to start. Robert Parry from Consortiumnews, takes a 55 year old “tea partier” 10 years into the future after his hero paul ryan…

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two sides of the union coin.

Two recent stories in the news lately could not have shown the two sides of the union debate any clearer. 1. The con side of the issue is brought to us by Newsmax and our our own Governor Walker. Even though we are “broke” as a state, Governor Walker had…

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Boycotts and Brat Fest

There has been much discussion on boycotts of Walker supporters all over but we have not gotten into it much here. This story about the Johnsonville Brat Fest in Madison, is the one that made me think. The World\'s Largest Brat Fest is a Madison staple on Memorial Day weekend….

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Open for short term business

In today\'s JSOnline, Chandler McKelvey, former secretary of development serving under Gov. Lee Dreyfus, lays into the ridiculousness of the Walker Administration and their claims of “open for business”. In the column, Mr. McKelvey decries the Governor’s “short-term” thinking and points out how detrimental that is to the long-term future…

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Ms. Kitzinger is telling the truth.

Ramona Kitzinger, 80 year old Democratic canvasser and hero to the right(here, here and here). NOT SO FAST though. The lady who the right wing cheddarsphere held up as a true hero and truth teller, now has been given the chance to clarify her story: In retrospect, it seems both…

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You must believe in Magic…

There is so much out there right now about how extreme and bad for America Paul Ryan is that I just have not had time to write about it and do his incompetence justice. Here is a sample now from the Rachel Maddow show. Pull quote “There is no connection…

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Senate Bill 22

SB22, aka the dismantling of public education in Wisconsin, as explained by our own Senator Erpenbach:

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Randy Hopper day

Today is Randy Hopper Day in Madison, as the Recall Hopper campaign will be delivering their papers today. As all of our readers know, Randy Hopper and his live in Valerie Cass, have been covered extensively here. Also wanted to share this fun Randy Hopper video with everyone. Here is…

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