VIDEO: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries dismantles Sheriff David Clarke on police reform & equal protection

During a recent appearance by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on police reform, Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries confronted Sheriff Clarke over the blue wall of silence, the need for equal protection under the law for everyone and the unjust death of Eric Garner. Considering…

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Was it really necessary for Gov. Scott Walker to call up the National Guard?

Calling out the National Guard to quell peaceful people protesting the use of violence is absolutely idiotic. ne day after more than 70 were arrested for protesting the Dontre Hamilton shooting, the National Guard has been called up to help. A spokesperson from Wisconsin National Guard says soldiers are being…

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Sheriff David Clarke requests 157 new positions in 2015 budget

What’s this? Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke may finally be taking his job as a crime fighter seriously?!?!? Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. is asking for 157 new positions in his 2015 budget, saying the additions are critical for safety and to reduce overtime costs, which he estimates…

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David Clarke supporters must be really nervous about their guy’s chances tonight

According to a report by Jason Stein of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, some Republicans voting in today’s partisan primaries have taken to writing in the name of Democratic Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. on their ballots, in an attempt to prop up Clarke in the face of a…

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I’ve been banned once again!

Apparently I’ve been banned from commenting on the Facebook page of the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office. I’m assuming I was banned after I left a comment on the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page noting that during his time as Milwaukee County Sheriff, David Clarke once attempted to assist a…

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Bloomberg PAC makes $150,000 ad buy against Sheriff David Clarke

I can’t remember the last time Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke faced an ad barrage of this magnitude as he faced reelection. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s political action committee, Independence USA, has purchased $150,833 in television ads in an effort to defeat Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke…

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Tommy Thompson encourages Republicans in Milwaukee County to vote as Democrats

Yesterday some Democrats in Milwaukee County received a mailer in their mailboxes from former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson, who wants Republicans in Milwaukee County to cross over and vote as Democrats to help Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke beat his real Democratic opponent on August 12. Here’s the mailer. The…

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Sheriff (David Clarke) who cut half of Milwaukee County Sheriff’s deputies attempts to lecture Tom Barrett on policing

Considering Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has seen the number of deputies employed by the Sheriff’s Office halved since he took office, he’s got some nerve attempting to lecture Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett on the need for more police officers on Milwaukee’s streets. The Sheriff called for the hiring of…

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Chris Moews: Sheriff David Clarke is a “sideshow” (VIDEO)

During a recent appearance on UpFront, Democratic Milwaukee County Sheriff candidate Chris Moews explained why he believes Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is a sideshow who lack competency when it comes to law enforcement in Milwaukee County. Watch for yourselves.

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Why vote for Chris Moews on August 12? Because he’s a REAL lawman!

Earlier this week, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’s reelection campaign sent out a mailer touting Clarke’s law enforcement credentials, and as James Rowen of The Political Environment noted, it’s a very curious mailer. Sheriff Clarke’s efforts to tout his crime fighting credentials are laughable, especially considering how little the Milwaukee…

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