Tony Evers Signs Republican Passed Redistricting Plan.

[Update: I was out of the country when this finally went down so I was behind the curve. I wasn’t even able to watch the Super Bowl so I missed Taylor Swift’s big win there. So thank you to dekerivers (see comments below) for getting me up to speed. As…

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Milwaukee Buck Brook Lopez To Make $24 Million Per Year, But Robin Vos Thinks He Needs A Tax Cut.

With a Democrat in the governor’s seat and Republicans in charge of both the state assembly and senate, and given the current national political environment, it is inevitable that there would be a fight around taxes in the biennial budget discussion. Coming off the current fiscal period that saw a…

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Ideas On Wisconsin State Income Tax Reform

After showing little taste for a flat tax during the 2022 campaign cycle, the Republicans in charge in Madison are now actually considering the unwarranted tax cut for the state’s fat cats without any actual relief for most of the rest of us (Wisconsin GOP’s Latest Bait and Switch? The…

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Wisconsin’s Abortion Ban is 19th Century Trash: But Ron Johnson and Tim Michels Are Cool With That.

Since the United States Supreme Court overturned their own ruling on Roe v. Wade, Wisconsin law on abortion has reverted to one passed just after Wisconsin statehood…before women had the vote…even before the Civil War. It’s 2022, well into the 21st Century and women have the vote and far more…

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Milwaukee Elected A New Mayor And Then This Happened On Twitter

from Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s Twitter feed this evening: Bring it on!!! I’ll host!!

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Well The Most Qualified Potential GOP Candidate For WI Governor Decides Not To Run

Well, I am not surprised. Former Four Term Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson announced that he will not run for a fifth time. Ironically he’d be the most qualified candidate if he ran and probably the most moderate but also the only one who would actually want to improve life in…

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Eleven Months Into The Pandemic, Andrea Palm, is still only the secretary-designee of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

And it’s not like she isn’t qualified or hasn’t been on the job that long…because she was after all, nominated by Governor Tony Evers in January 2019. But the do nothing Republican legislature (which hasn’t met since April of 2020), simply out of spite against the governor, hasn’t confirmed her…

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned: Balanced Budget Laws Hamstring States During World Pandemics

The great tsunami of conservative policy early this century included the demand for state balanced budget amendments. And of course former Governor Scott Walker and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos just had to have one…so of course Wisconsin does. The conceit is you have to live within your budget and so…

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John Nygren Set To Return To Madison As A Lobbyist: This Shouldn’t Even Be Legal!

Two weeks ago I wrote that John Nygren, elected just a month before, had announced that he was retiring essentially effective immediately from the Wisconsin Assembly. Well now it’s been announced that he will become a lobbyist for the Wisconsin Association of Health Plans. The maintenance staff in the Capitol…

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Trump Sues Wisconsin To Overturn Presidential Election Result

Well actually he sued Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, who by now is pretty used to being sued by Republicans. But on the face of this, the suit makes little sense because even if the Trump campaign were successful in Wisconsin, the 10 electoral college votes won’t change the final result….

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