Could President Hillary Clinton Pack The Supreme Court With Ex-Presidents?

It would be rather intriguing if a President Hillary Clinton appointed former President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court…sorry just doing some thinking out loud! Meanwhile the GOP Senators aren’t budging on their announced decision to ignore any nomination from President Obama for a replacement…

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Tim McGraw angers conservatives, Ted Nugent fantasizes about shooting Harry Reid

Apparently conservatives are all atwitter because country music superstar Tim McGraw will headline a benefit concert for Sandy Hook Promise, a group advocating for common-sense gun laws. Conservatives are firing up the outrage machine over news that country music superstar Tim McGraw will headline a benefit concert for Sandy Hook…

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Remainders: Kelda Roys, Tammy Baldwin & more

Kelda Roys comes under fire again, this time on LGBT issues. Democrat Tammy Baldwin raises $2.2 million for U.S. Senate campaign, outraising all her Republican opponents combined. Democratic Senator Al Franken keep comedy in check – most of the time. The rising price of a seat in the House of…

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A JOBS Bill That Isn’t

The JOBS bill before the Senate doesn’t actually, you know, create any jobs.  In fact, according to MIT economist Simon Johnson, it’s likely to destroy jobs. Professor John Coates hit the nail on the head: “While the various proposals being considered have been characterized as promoting jobs and economic growth…

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He who would be King

Paul Ryan has had a series of \"listening sessions\". The problem is, for the first time in ryan’s career, his constituents are actually paying attention. They do not like what they see. Ending Medicare, along with tax cuts for the rich are not as popular in the 1st congressional District…

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No she didnt ….

I am not ready to give a full overview of the election results and what they mean etc… I have to let it all sink in first. However something in the post coverage caught my eye this morning that I needed to address. In one of the most high profile…

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My Interview with Senator Feingold

I recently posted an interview I did with Mr. Rob Taylor, Wisconsin Senate Candidate. I was then accused of favoritism, so that night I sent 5 questions a piece to Ron Johnson and Senator Feingold. Here are the five questions and answer from Senator Feingold. More information can be found…

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Tea Party Part 617

While I have been a little dismissive and hard on the “tea parties” on here, I do recognize that there is a trace of grassroots movement to them. I also realize that the right wing has successfully been able to bottle up the anger of the white right and seems…

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Feingold statement on Reid’s inappropriate comments

Speaking to WISN channel 12, Sen. Russ Feingold said he’s not certain whether to support Republican calls for Harry Reid’s resignation in the face of Sen. Reid’s inappropriate comments regarding then-Senator Barack Obama: “I’m thinking about that and we’re going to be getting together as a caucus next week and…

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Harry Reid’s favorite parlor trick: inserting his own foot into his mouth

It’s often been said that Vice President Joe Biden is a gaffe machine, but Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is no slouch when it comes to the dumb things that come out of his mouth. According to the book “Game Change,” an account of the 2008 presidential campaign, Sen….

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