Obama Finds His Own Private Viet Nam

After years of promising that there would be no American boots on the ground in Syria, President Obama announced that a limited number of special forces troops would be sent to Syria to assist in the fight against the Islamic State. The intent is to send up to 50 advisors…

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Syria, Islamic State and Russia

It’s time that Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russia and put this out on the line. Direct your forces to destroy the Islamic State in Syria and we’ll hold off on attacking Assad’s regime. When IS is done we can/will negotiate on the future of Syria and Assad….

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Charting a New Course on Cuba

From the email today: Yesterday, after more than 50 years, we began to change America’s relationship with the people of Cuba. We are recognizing the struggle and sacrifice of the Cuban people, both in the U.S. and in Cuba, and ending an outdated approach that has failed to advance U.S….

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The False Nation of Afghanistan!

It’s been out of the news for a week or so now…but the US and Afghanistan finally completed negotiations on the continued presence of US troops in Afghanistan past the official end of American participation in hostilities at the end of 2014. I don’t think I need to recap all…

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President Obama Setting Up Syria As The Next Afghanistan

As opposition grew against the Soviet backed government in Afghanistan in the 1970’s, in one of the last ‘battles’ of the cold war, the US government decided to support the anti-Afghan government mujahideen. This support became even more pronounced after the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan. We poured weapons and money…

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“Where are the jobs?”

JSonline points out that Governor Fundraiser is raking the money in. – Gov. Scott Walker is raking in money at a pace not seen before in Wisconsin politics as he prepares to face the state’s first-ever gubernatorial recall, taking in more than $4.5 million over five weeks. In just over…

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The Pope just got uninvited from the “tea party”

While Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, he was very conservative and old school in his philosophy. Ratzinger even went so far as to advise US Bishops to deny communion to John Kerry during the 2004 election season. Recently he took a turn to the left, with a speech on health care for…

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‘Frankincensed’ with Pickens

Sen. Al Franken has long been a supporter of the military and its men. So it is no surprise that he took T. Boone Pickens to task for Boone’s financial support of the Swift Boat ads that besmirched Sen. John Kerry’s military record. T. Boone was to present his ideas…

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