Law firm that represented Republicans in redistricting withheld documents from courts

Why am I not surprised that the law firm that represented Republican lawmakers after they were sued over their hyperpartisan redistricting plan withheld some documents despite being ordered by a court to turn over all documents relating to that redistricting plan? Attorneys who helped lawmakers draw new election maps last…

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The Shark’s Comment Line is Open!

Zach recently posted the links to the 84 pages of emails that the republicans were desperate to keep from the public. While it is somewhat tame, with just a few gems sprinkled in (they admit to “wildly gerrymandering, they continue to go to convicted felon Scott “scooter” Jensen, etc…), one…

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Erpenbach Strikes Back (again)

First, State Senator Jon Erpenbach tried to clarify the secrecy arrangement between Michael Best & Friedrich and the Senate Republicans. Then Michael Best & Friedrich passed the buck. Now Senator Erpenbach is not willing to take “don’t bother us” for an answer: Eric M. McLeod Michael Best & Friedrich LLP…

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And Michael Best & Freidrich Passes the Buck

I shared Senator Jon Erpenbach's letter asking for some accountability for the taxpayers from Michael Best and Friedrich in regards to the redistricting fiasco that the Fitzgerald Brothers have put us in. Here, after a considerable wait, is the response from Michael Best and Friedrich, specifically their ethically challenged employee…

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Republican legislative aides working out of law offices of Michael Best & Friedrich

Apparently legislative aides Adam Foltz and Tad Ottman didn’t get the memo that Republican redistricting efforts ended six months ago… Two taxpayer-paid legislative aides who were responsible for drawing new election maps continue to work out of a law firm instead of the Capitol, even though lawmakers approved the maps…

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Robin Vos Is (STILL) A Hingst

In case you didnt know., Robin Vos is a Hingst. Robin Vos has a history of not telling the truth and having complete disdain for the people of Wisconsin. In case there was any doubt, the events of recent days prove that Vos is still a Hingst! Thanks to persistence…

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Erpenbach Strikes Back

The story came out yesterday that The republicans were unanimous in swearing their secrecy, to Michael, Best & Freidrich while they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to make sure they had as many republican friendly districts as possible. The problem with that(ok there are numerous problems,…

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Michael Gableman

In case you haven’t heard, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman recieved free legal counsel from Michael Best & Friedrich in return for their services(which helped Mr. Gableman stay on the Supreme Court) he then voted their way in the numerous cases they tried in front of him. Mr. Gableman…

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