Lindsey Graham Needs A History Lesson

In a reply to the president’s tweet equating the impeachment inquiry with ‘a lynching’, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham had this to say in defense of the president: “This is a lynching in every sense. This is un-American,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters at the Capitol, calling…

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Michael Steele gets catty towards Reince Priebus

From the files of, “when conservatives eat their own” comes this gem from former RNC Chair Michael Steele: Say what you want about our spending while running the RNC, at least we won elections. THAT’S what I call an ROI. — Michael Steele (@MichaelSteele) November 8, 2012

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Reince – Wisconsin’s Finest?

RNC chair Reine Priebus, who turned on his friend Michael Steele to get the job, has done it again. First a little backstory. Reince Priebus, was a former WI rnc head and Michael Best & Friederich lawyer, has an interesting resume. Priebus has a history of not telling the truth,…

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A ray of hope….

Just when we are still licking our wounds from the beating that the dems took in the last election, and thinking that all hope is lost, comes this bit of good news. Reince priebus was elected head of the RNC. Spending your career keeping minorities from voting and turning on…

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Is Reince Priebus’ RNC bid in trouble?

In a long email written to endorse Gentry Collins’ bid to become RNC Chairman – a race Collins has since dropped out of – Connecticut RNC chairman Chris Healy accused Reince Priebus of being Steele’s “wingman” for much of the last two years while Steele was sticking his foot in…

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This won’t help…..

Reince Priebus, has been gaining steam in his race against his good friend Michael Steele. Think Progress has a detailed story today on Reince and while pointing out his “gaffes” like calling for the \"execution\" of the president(of which he never apologized). They also dug a little deeper to his…

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1st Lieutenant Reince “Fletcher Christian” Priebus

In a move that surprised no one, State GOP chair Reince Priebus, is throwing his good friend, Michael Steele, under the bus. Priebus was General Counsel of the RNC and ran Steele’s initial election campaign. I find it funny, yet not surprising, that priebus is accepting congratulations for the Republican…

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Why is the RNC hiding its debt?

Looks like the RNC could be in a bit of trouble for misreporting its fundraising numbers: The Republican National Committee failed to report more than $7 million in debt to the Federal Election Commission in recent months – a move that made its bottom line appear healthier than it is…

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Michael Steele has a serious case of foot in mouth disease

While Vice President Joe Biden may be a walking gaffe machine, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele certainly isn’t much better. Speaking at at a fundraiser in Noank, Connecticut, Steele stated the war in Afghanistan was a war of President Barack Obama’s choosing, as opposed to being a war President…

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RNC bloodletting begins with Steele throwing subordinate under the bus

I’ve already chronicled the RNC’s chronic financial mismanagement HERE and HERE, and already the bloodletting at the Republican National Committee has begun, as is reporting Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay resigned Monday as a direct result of the scandal surrounding the RNC’s financial mismanagement. As Politico…

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