Whither Theo Lipscomb

Unsurprisingly, former Milwaukee County Supervisor and former Milwaukee County Board Chairman Theo Lipscomb has landed on his feet after losing his race for Milwaukee County Executive. I am a little surprised on where he’s landed. I expected something more directly related to politcs, but this does seem like a perfect…

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County Supervisor John Weishan Announces Run for Register of Deeds

Well, I will admit that this one took me by surprise…but on the other hand I guess I should be surprised that he’s stuck with the supervisor gig so long without apparent interest in advancing his political career. He said he is running for the office because after 20 years…

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Why All Of These County Elections?

Looking at the nomination papers that I have gotten in the mail, I wonder why we have more county offices on the ballot? I mean, we just voted for a bunch (including county executive and county supervisors) at the April 7th election. What is the rationale for having more of…

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Marcelia Nicholson Is The New MKE County Board Chair!

Supervisor Marcelia Nicholson will lead the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, her peers determined Friday in an 11-7 vote, making her the first Latina and African American woman to lead the 18-member body. This is a milestone era in Milwaukee, as we now have minority and new generational leadership in…

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I Know I Promised, BUT: Theo Lipscomb Is Back In The News!

I thought I was done with the County Executive Race until the April general election. And I know I promised that I wasn’t going to post anything more about signatures or nomination papers…unless…there was some big new news. And…unfortunately, there is! Today Daniel Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported…

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Purnima Nath for MKE County Executive?

Facebook is showing an announcement of the announcement for Purnima Nath’s run for Milwaukee County Executive: I am extremely excited to inform you that I will be announcing my run for Milwaukee County Executive. Please join me on Tuesday Nov 19th at 11 am at the Milwaukee County Courthouse Rotunda…

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Sen. Chris Larson All In For MKE County Executive Race

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that State Senator Chris Larson (D – Milwaukee) is running for Milwaukee County Executive. This will be Sen. Larson’s second attempt having lost to incumbent Chris Abele in 2016. County Executive Abele is not running for re-election in 2020. State Sen. Chris Larson on…

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Rep. David Crowley Enters Race for MKE County Executive

Most of you have probably seen this on one media site or another, but since we follow Milwaukee County government pretty closely, I want to share Rep. Crowley’s email with you! I’m proud to announce that I’m running for Milwaukee County Executive. I’m running to bring residents from across our…

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Whither Milwaukee County: A Fair Deal

From our email in box today…a missive from Milwaukee County Board Chairman, Theodore Lipscomb: You are invited to attend a town hall meeting to learn more about the solutions we are proposing to avoid a funding crisis in Milwaukee County. For too long, Milwaukee County has been forced to delay necessary…

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County Supervisor Deanna Alexander axed from state job

Now I know that the county supervisor position was reduced to a ‘part time’ job some time ago by Wisconsin legislative fiat. We covered that extensively as it happened. So I know there is no reason that a county supervisor wouldn’t want to hold another job…particularly to get health benefits…

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