Healthcare for those without health insurance can be a local issue!

Congratulations to Racine and Ascension Wisconsin for stepping up and filling a void by providing health care for those who can’t afford insurance! It’s the fifth largest city in Wisconsin, but healthcare access remains a challenge in Racine. That’s about to change thanks to a newly-announced, public-private partnership — and…

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Foxconn Water Usage Pegged At 7 Million Gallons Per Day

The City of Racine who supplies water to the Village of Mount Pleasant, is requesting Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources input on increasing their water extraction from Lake Michigan by 7 million gallons per day. The water is intended for use at the Foxconn plant that is being built in…

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Racine County District Attorney Finds NO VOTER FRAUD in Recall

Despite the shouting and accusations from the Republican legislators about alleged voter fraud in Racine during the June 5th Senatorial recall…where Senator-elect John Lehman defeated Senator Van Wanggaard…there was NO VOTER FRAUD! From the august Racine Journal Times: County investigators have found no evidence of criminal activity after looking into…

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All Pretense gone: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel solidly red!

If it wasn’t apparent that The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has sold out their editorial and newsroom integrity to the right wing narrative, today’s paper ices the cake. Over the past month or so, MJS gave significant op ed space to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and State Senator Van Wanggaard to…

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Paul Ryan Dishonors Martin Luther King, Jr.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ Martin Luther King, Jr. On Martin Luther King, Jr. day, a teacher from Racine refused an award because it was given to him by Paul Ryan (R-Wall St.). The same Paul Ryan who has perpetually been adamantly…

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Republican Thuggery: Racine Edition (With Advice to the Racine GOP)

By now many Wisconsin citizens have heard about the trouble those trying to recall Scott Walker have faced here in Racine (our own Phil Scarr wrote about the issue here.).  An article in the Racine Journal Times catalogued the problems encountered by petition gatherers near a laundromat by River Run Family…

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Cornered Elephants [UPDATED: Now with GOP SPIN!]

Their world is coming apart and there’s nothing they can do about it.  Lashing out is all they have left.

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Racine Alderman charged with violent felonies

If this is true, Keith Fair is a grade-A scumbag… A City of Racine alderman has been arrested on accusations of strangulation or suffocation, false imprisonment, battery and disorderly conduct. Alderman Keith Fair is accused of choking and striking a female employee of the Place on 6th bar, which he…

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Dickert to run for reelection

On December 3 incumbent Racine Mayor John Dickert officially launched his 2011 reelection campaign. Dickert is currently serving in his first term as Mayor of Racine, after winning a special election in May 2009 following the resignation of disgraced former Mayor Gary Becker following his arrest for sex crimes. In…

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Tale of Two Cities ….

Fridays Journal Sentinel had dueling stories on the front page and I am not even sure they understood the irony. The first story comes from Racine. The Spending Revolt tour bus was in Racine for a “stop spending my children’s money” rally. Most spectators, though, were drawn by rhetoric for…

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