Recall Memo: June 5: Walker Tenure as County Exec Troubles Sheriff Clarke

On May 20, 2012 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an article discussing Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’s desire to outsource maintenance work at the Milwaukee County Jail. The Sheriff contends that it takes too long for county personnel to respond to requests for any type of maintenance including things as…

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Recall Memo: June 5: Neighbor to Neighbor with Tom Barrett!

June 5th is now less than a week away! And now for another helpful reminder: RECALL WALKER! VOTE for Governor: —–>> Barrett VOTE for Lieutenant Governor: —–>> Mitchell

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Recall Memo: June 5: Mahlon Mitchell Fundraiser

From my email inbox…here’s the announcement on a Milwaukee area fundraiser for Lt. Governor candidate Mahlon Mitchell! AND DON’T FORGET TO VOTE: VOTE for Governor: —–>> Barrett VOTE for Lieutenant Governor: —–>> Mitchell

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Recall Memo: June 5: Gov. Walker Invents Budget Surplus Ahead of the Vote

On May 10th, Governor Walker’s Administration released projections that indicated a budget surplus of $154.5 million before the end of current biennial budget period. This is in direct opposition to a previously expected deficit for the same period of $143 million. There is only one problem with that…it’s a flat…

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Recall Memo: June 5: Governor Walker Steals a Billion Dollars from Wisconsin.

In their Saturday morning coverage of the Recall Gubernatorial Debate, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel included this quote from Governor Walker: Walker said the law change has led to savings for taxpayers – his administration has pegged those at more than $1 billion from workers having to pay more for benefits…

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Recall Memo: June 5: Yes, you too can vote early!

That’s right – between May 21st and the close of business on Friday, June 1st, you can vote early at either your City Clerk or County Clerk’s office. Not sure exactly where to go to vote? Click here and have your zip code handy! VOTE for Governor: —–>> Barrett VOTE…

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Recall Memo: June 5: Walker 57 Barrett 13 OR Walker 25 Barrett 1

No those aren’t the most recent poll numbers from the tea party sun tea brewmaster…they are very specific fundraising numbers for our two gubernatorial candidates in the recall election. First, 57% of Governor Walker’s contributions came from out of state! While Mayor Barrett’s contributions from out of state amounted to…

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Recall Memo: June 5th: Divide and Conquer says Governor Walker?

The video showing Governor Walker telling his biggest campaign contributor that his strategy for changing the political environment in Wisconsin to an all red all the time state was DIVIDE AND CONQUER has been making the rounds since last week. Why or why do videos keep cropping up with the…

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Recall Memo: June 5th: MoveOn Org endorses Mayor Barrett for Governor!

From an email that I received yesterday: “A stunning 98% of MoveOn members who voted over the weekend voted for MoveOn to endorse Tom Barrett for governor of Wisconsin.” “MoveOn’s overwhelming endorsement is also a reminder to voters of Tom Barrett’s strong, progressive record fighting for the 99% his whole…

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A few days ago Zach mentioned that Mahlon Mitchell could use your help in is recall election against Lt. Gov Rebecca Kleefisch. And now I’d like to add my reminder! The Lt. Gov. race has gotten lost in the media behind the race between Mayor Barrett and Gov. Walker. But…

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