Boehner’s Choices for the budget “Super Committee:” The Wisconsin Subtext

John Boehner named his choices to serve on the budget “Super Committee” the other day, but Boehner’s choices did not include the Republican most identified as a deficit hawk.  Just a few months ago Wisconsin’s own Paul Ryan was the darling of the Republican Party, but now he’s evidently too…

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Have a beer with Rob

From my email inbox comes this neat idea….too bad I don’t live in the 1st Congressional district: Earlier this year, people in the First Congressional District tried to tell Paul Ryan about how he should protect the middle-class – not the billionaire hedge fund managers with whom he slurps down…

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Paul Ryan Reality Check

A couple good links about Wisconsin’s very own, Paul Ryan (R-Wall St.). 1. Paul Ryan wants to DISinvest in America: By now you might have heard that the Republican budget plan proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) wants to eliminate Medicare as we know it and to give hundreds of…

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Holding Paul Ryan accountable

Watch as Kenosha Democrat Rob Zerban, who’s running to unseat incumbent Rep. Paul Ryan next year, visits Ryan’s district office to deliver 65,000 signatures asking Rep. Ryan to keep his hands off Medicare.

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Rally for Rob Zerban on June 30th

From my email inbox comes news of a fundraiser in support of the campaign of Democrat Rob Zerban, who’s looking to unseat incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Ryan in the 1st Congressional district. Here are the details: We invite you for an opportunity to support Rob Zerban Candidate for Congress 1st…

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Rob Zerban: Why I will defeat Paul Ryan

Yesterday Democrat Rob Zerban, who’s running against Rep. Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional district, outlined why he’s going to beat Rep. Ryan in 2012. Here’s an excerpt: Choices have consequences. Instead of taking on Big Oil and powerful Washington special interests, Paul Ryan chose to end Medicare. Plain and…

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Call to Action

Today I am asking for 5 minutes of your time. Today is a day to call our legislators and let them know how we feel. First I am recommending calling Democratic Congressman Ron Kind. H/t to Sly and his interview with the great Lori Wallach, where she told us it…

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Paul Ryans Healthcare Plan – The Movie

Paul Ryan’s hero Ayn Rand’s cult bible “Atlas Shrugged” was recently made into a movie. Despite heavy right wing advertising, the country shrugged and was not interested in watching this movie(official review here). Now someone else has decided to make a movie of Paul Ryan\'s health care plan. Without further…

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Tommy on the Run…..

Politico reports this morning that Elroy’s own Tommy Thompson, 69, is going to run for the Senate Seat in 2012 vacated by Democrat Herb Kohl. There’s no chance Thompson would run against Ryan, so the former governor will await the Budget Chairman’s official announcement on the race before jumping in….

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Meet Rob Zerban

Meet Rob Zerban, a County Supervisor from Kenosha who has set his sights on Paul Ryan’s seat in the House of Representatives: Unlike the retreads and also-rans Democrats have run against Rep. Ryan in the past few election cycles, Zerban is a formidable opponent for Rep. Ryan. Zerban is an…

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