Whither MKE County: It’s Just a Power Grab By the Wealthy Elite.

A number of new voices are starting to weigh in on Assembly Bill 85 as introduced by Representative Ron Sanfelippo et al…the latest are Milwaukee County Supervisors David Bowen and Russell Stamper II and Mike Wilder, director of the African-American Roundtable. Their blatant power grab would limit the power and…

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Whither MKE County: Open Letter to Hold AB 85 Hearings In MKE County

March 25th, 2013 State Rep. Tyler August, Chair Assembly Committee on Government Operations Room 119 West, State Capitol Chairman August: We write to you regarding Assembly Bill 85, which deals specifically and solely with the structure of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. AB 85 is sweeping in its scope,…

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Whither MKE County: Why a Two Year Term Instead of Four?

One of the major provisions of Assembly Bill 85 to blow up county government as we know it…is the change in county supervisors terms from four years to two. What advantage do the powers that be see in a two year term? Keep supervisors off balance by having to constantly…

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Whither MKE County: The Arrogant Lie That Is A Part Time County Board

There is not one word or mention in the Milwaukee County government reform bill (AB 85) introduced by Representative Joe Sanfelippo about a part time board…not one. Instead the bill limits salaries for county board members at the annual per capita income of Milwaukee County which is currently approximately $24,000….

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OUR Milwaukee County: Supervisor Deanna Alexanders Listening Session

I would like to thank the friends of Blogging Blue, Cory Liebmann and Matthew Finnell for both forwarding the link to this video from Wisconsin Jobs Now from the OUR Milwaukee County listening session held recently by County Supervisor Deanna Alexander. Now the video is heavily edited reducing what was…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Rep Sanfelippo’s Bill Attacking County Government Scheduled for Committee

Representative Joe Sanfelippo’s bill (AB 85) to destroy county government is set for the Committee on Government Operations and State Licensing on Thursday April 11, 2013 at 9:30 AM, room 225 Northwest. The committee members are Representatives Tyler August (R – 32 and chair), David Craig (R -83 and vice…

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Essentially Ignores County Board in Fight for It’s Life

As I wrote about just earlier this evening, yesterday the Milwaukee County Board passed a resolution to ask the state legislature for permission to perform a second downsizing and redistricting within the current ten year period. You’d think that after all of the front and center articles that the Milwaukee…

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OUR Milwaukee County: MKE County Board To Seek Permission to Downsize

At yesterday’s board meeting, the Milwaukee County Board decided to seek permission from the state legislature to downsize. The final vote was 9 – 7 in favor of the motion which was introduced by Supervisor Steve Taylor. The board needs permission to voluntarily downsize because current law only permits the…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Groups Opposed to Corporate Take Over of MKE County

From the email: Broad Cross-Section of Milwaukee Groups, Representing Thousands, Oppose Introduction of County Takeover Bill MILWAUKEE –Local community groups representing thousands of Milwaukee county residents issued statements in response to the introduction of Assembly Bill 85 Rep. Joe Sanfelippo and Sen. Lena Taylor’s bill to eviscerate Milwaukee County government….

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Help Wanted: Next OUR Milwaukee County Listening Sessions

The next two OUR Milwaukee County listening sessions are tonight…and I need you to go and voice your opinion…and I can’t make either one of them because I have a fund raiser for a certain Cudahy aldermanic candidate to attend…so if anyone can attend and wants to write about it…I’ll…

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