A Message from UW System President Tommy Thompson (released before Sen Nass got stupid ideas in his head)

This video was sent out to students of UW Milwaukee on Wednesday July 28, 2021. It runs all of 34 seconds and talks about the scholarship incentives for students when their campus reaches a 70% vaccination rate. Not part of the video, but as published in other media, UW System…

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Kamala Harris Supports Graham and Rubio Vaccinations

Although many on the left (including myself) question why naysayers, anti-maskers, and virus hoaxers electeds in the Republican Party got vaccines ahead of front line medical personnel…Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris wants a word. Amid growing anger as some Republicans who have spent the pandemic downplaying COVID-19 become some of the first…

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So, While Wisconsin Is Getting Shorted on Vaccines, THIS Happened:

and question, where did they get this done? Apparently not in the Senate. So were they in Washington? Or were they home? And why weren’t they in the Senate working on the COVID-19 relief bill or the continuation package?

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Who Is Doing Quality Control Testing At Pfizer or On Pfizer Vaccines?

A number of sources are reporting that the five dose vials of the Pfizer vaccine actually hold more volume than that…and that many of the vials hold six or even seven doses. And this doesn’t bother anyone? First…who is doing quality control at Pfizer on their production line that fills…

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A Second Opinion

Sancheq has started a conversation about vaccines and autism and has said what he wants is open debate. Given that it was the work of Andrew Wakefield that took this issue global back in 1998, I think this video is worth a look.

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Bachmann, Backed by Palin, Launches War Against Women and Children

Oh, I have no problems with people attacking the Hair Candidate, but Michele Bachmann decided to attack Rick Perry during the Republican debate last night on the one issue where Perry took the right course, to require the HPV vaccine for schoolchildren.  The vaccine prevents cancer.  ‘Nuff said.  But Bachmann…

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