Walker making the rounds in Miami

Perennial gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker, Milwaukee’s ever so capable County Executive, is making the rounds at the Republican Governor’s Association meeting in Miami, Florida:

Potential gubernatorial candidates making the RGA rounds in Miami:

Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell (2009)

Sen. Sam Brownback (Kansas)

Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman (California)

Former representative and OMB chief Rob Portman (Ohio)

Former Pennsylvania US Attorney Patrick Meehan

Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox

South Dakota Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard

Rep. Peter Hoekstra (Michigan)

Alabama Treasurer Kay Ivey

Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land

Wyoming Auditor Rita Meyer

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters (Arizona)

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (Wisconsin)

I just hope Walker’s not spending time in Miami on the taxpayers’ dime. What’s more, shouldn’t Walker be spending a little more time in Milwaukee County dealing with a budget mess and doing his job?


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4 thoughts on “Walker making the rounds in Miami

  1. I know not which is worse. Walker’s blatant disregard for the job he is supposed to do, or the lemmings that think he does care about them.

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