He bowls like he’s in the Special Olympics?!?

In an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, President Barack Obama compared his inept bowling – which was widely ridiculed during the 2008 presidential race – to “the Special Olympics or something.” As reported by the AP, President Obama has already apologized to Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver, but I’m still having a hard time figuring out why President Obama would think a joke about the Special Olympics would be funny.


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24 thoughts on “He bowls like he’s in the Special Olympics?!?

  1. Roland, I was completely terrified by your blog’s TOS and so I’ve never lodged a complaint about the exceedingly personal insults hurled (often unprovoked) by Gus/Mickey. Because of his continued misbehavior, I’ve always assumed you approved of the way he acts.

  2. Name calling, especially of the profane sort, is not welcome and will get you ignored, banned or worse”

    Apparently “libtard” doesn’t count as name calling over at Badger Blogger.

    Edit: I changed the name on this post simply to clear up any confusion with the regular “Anon.” – ZW

  3. Well…it appears as if someone once again is using another blogger’s name. Interesting the smell of John Foust is still lingering… Zach…you know the “Anon” who posted on March 24, 2009 @ 6:49am isn’t me…so why wouldn’t you speak up?

  4. Anon, I know for a fact it’s not you, but that doesn’t mean the person is trying to imitate you. It appears to be just another anonymous poster. In fact, I was able to tell right away the other Anon wasn’t you by the email address and IP. However, to clear up any confusion, I’ll change the name on that post to “Anonymous.”

    No worries, friend.

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