Steele under fire

All’s not well in the Republican Party. Though he’s only been chairman of the Republican Party less than five weeks, Michael Steele is already facing calls to resign as the Republican Party’s national chairman. On Thursday, Dr. Ada Fisher, a member of the Republican National Committee, called for Michael Steele to step down, terming the recent squabble between Steele and Republican talking head Rush Limbaugh a “Republican horror show” and predicting donations to the Republican Party from conservatives would dry up as a result.

Reince Priebus, the Wisconsin GOP chair who’s heading up Steele’s transition team, was quick to discount Fisher, saying there was “no news” in the demand by Fisher for Steele to resign. It’s worth noting during the elections to choose a new Republican Party chairman, Ada Fisher was a supporter of Katon Dawson, so perhaps her call for Michael Steele to resign really is nothing more than sour grapes.


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