7 thoughts on “Coming To Madison-For The AFP TEA Party

  1. “I guess when you have no ideas”

    That’s a sweeping generalization if I ever heard one.

    Less taxes, less government, fiscal restraint. Those are ideas. You may disagree, but they are still ideas.

  2. “Less taxes, less government, fiscal restraint.’
    Sounds like The GOP Budget Last Week.
    You know, The one with no Actual Numbers.

    C’mon Rich….Cardinal Fans, Can’t Spell…Even you can’t defend That!

  3. I don’t even like the teabag idea, it just sounds petty to me when this is a serious issue. I’m all up for a good joke, but a jokey sounding premise is no way (IMHO)to rally up support.

    So heave at the mullet bashing and mispelleded wurds, but the accusation that there’s no ideas? c’mon… Even you can see that there are some ideas here.

  4. “Well, no new ideas anyway.”

    Are you saying that old ideas are bad? Um no, freedom and liberty are old ideas that I’m quite fond of.

    Are you saying that new ideas are good? Eh, some are, but anti-gay marriage laws, 8 tracks and Beta machines and many many other fly by night new ideas die on the vine all of the time.

    Based on a plethora of good old ideas and bad news ones: IMHO, “No new ideas” is merely empty political rhetoric. BUT, I have to hand it to ya; the public sure seems to be gobbling it up, so I don’t blame you one bit for using it. If I could I just might do so myself.

  5. A few clarifications for Rich.

    With the rumbles, 8-tracks were never a good idea.

    Freedom and Liberty are great old ideas but they’re not proprietary just because Glenn Beck says so.

    The GOP’s old ideas are too often the same ones that they’ve implemented before and seen fail. Tax cuts for the rich sound wonderful but they don’t lead to jobs. They lead to windfalls for tax shelters. Trickle-down plans never seem to trickle down.

    The Tea Party idea is beyond silly and a waste of good tea.

  6. “Tax cuts for the rich sound wonderful but they don’t lead to jobs. They lead to windfalls for tax shelters. Trickle-down plans never seem to trickle down.”

    grumps, prove it. Where do you think jobs come from? From the workers?

    * Now we are getting somewhere, beyond the name calling and pettyness 🙂 *

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