5 thoughts on “More Ed !!

  1. Heads up to anyone who gets physcially ill at the sight of Keith Olbermann the link will take you to a video of his very pathetic, twisted, and bitter show. Excuse me while I go vomit….

  2. Rachel Maddow is 10x worse. She’s too pedantic and condescending for me.

    She tries to be funny, but comes off as aloof.

    The content aint bad though.

    Maybe I should try watching her with the TV muted and the closed captioning on.

  3. Anon

    You just keep listening to what you want to hear. That way you’ll never be disappointed.

    She’s a Rhodes Scholar. I think she’s like Letterman, you gotta be a regular to get some of her stuff. But she’s a Wonk…no Doubt about it!

  4. I like Maddow, but she does come across sometimes as being a little too “holier than thou” for me. By the same token, I like Olbermann, but I think he sometimes gets too worked up.

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