Westlake on the Issues: The Role of Government

Installment three of my ongoing series exploring U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake’s ideas on the issues he believes Wisconsinites are concerned about will focus on Westlake’s beliefs on the role of government (emphasis mine):

I believe that the federal government’s primary responsibilities should be to create a strong infrastructure upon which our economy can conduct robust business, provide a primary and secondary education to develop a strong workforce, and provide services that are impossible (or not feasible) for states or individuals to provide themselves (like a cohesive national military, legal system to maintain general consistency from state-to-state, etc.). Beyond this, however, I believe that the federal government should not interfere in the goings-on of individuals lives.

“I believe that the federal government should not interfere in the goings-on of individuals lives.” That’s a pretty unambiguous statement…the federal government should not interfere in the goings-on of individuals’ lives.

But here’s the problem with Dave Westlake’s statement: he says he believes the federal government shouldn’t interfere with how individuals choose to live their lives, yet a quick glance at his beliefs on family and life seem to directly contradict Westlake’s belief that government should stay out of individuals’ lives (emphasis mine):

I believe that all human life is precious and is a blessing from the Lord. We, as sinners, are not the arbiters of when natural death occurs, and therefore I do not support abortion. Along related lines, I believe that the religious component of marriage is a sacred union between a man and woman and must be protected.

So here’s what I’m getting from Dave Westlake’s website: he wants government to keep its nose out of the goings-on of individuals’ lives, but when it comes to a woman’s right to make her own decisions regarding her reproductive health or who individuals can and can’t marry, then he’s all for government interfering into the goings-on of individuals’ lives!


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