BB looking for contributors

If you’re reading this, then you certainly have an interest in politics.

If you’ve commented here at Blogging Blue, then you’re certainly not averse to writing.

If you have an interest in politics and you’ve often thought you’d like an outlet to express your opinions, then you should consider becoming a contributor here at Blogging Blue. In the wake of Partially Blue taking a hiatus from being a regular contributor here, I’m looking for a brave soul or two to become contributors. If you’re interested, email me.


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5 thoughts on “BB looking for contributors

  1. I figured as much, but you didn’t initially mention the need to prove one’s liberal credentials on the job application, so I figure I’d ask.

    In case it’s ever a slow day and you need a topic for a post, one that came to mind lately is how nobody seems to talk about “the war” anymore. I wonder what happened to all of those “principled” protesters? The media sure doesn’t seem to focus on it much either. But I thought all those people who voted ‘D’ were expecting to pull out and bring the troops home. Things seem to be escalating in Afghanistan without an exit strategy. If ‘W’ was a warmonger, why isn’t Barack?

    I guess you could say Obama inherited it — but he hasn’t pulled out ASAP either, which was the Dem rhetoric for the last several years. I don’t suppose any of those protesters were doing so for political advantage. Do you suppose they will be disrupting the next Democrat convention? I guess the media has been distracted by health care and cash for clunkers, but I don’t recall them being too busy covering Bush’s Social Security plan to daily remind us that his administration was beleaguered.

    At least Cindy Sheehan is still vocal and following her principles (not that the media covers her much these days). It would be nice to hear at least one liberal address this. You can file such a post under your category of “hypocrisy.”

    1. forgot, which war are you talking about, Iraq or Afghanistan?

      I ask because obviously each needs to be dealt with on its own, and not as part of a “one size fits all” approach.

    2. I feel people voiced their opinions more when President Bush was in office because he is the one who led us into war in Iraq. I figure most of us know it’s impossible to pull our troops out all at once after years of fighting but believe President Obama’s goal is to get them out ASAP. I did see a woman from “Code Pink” on cable news the other day. They are still talking about it…

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