With the recent news that Congressman Ron Kind is declining (postponing?) a run for Governor, The Right Wing went into celebration mode. Belling flat out stated Lawton couldn’t beat anyone, and Scott Walker’s proven vote getting ability in Milwaukee
County would easily defeat even Tom Barrett should he Run. Sykes and others followed suit(no suprise there). Seemed like Walker was measuring for drapes in the Governor’s residence!
Well….i wouldn’t pick out the colors just yet.
True the key to any GOP candidate winning The Governorship is holding their own in Milwaukee County. While it’s also true Walker has proven he can win elections in Milwaukee County. He’s still very much of an underdog when it comes to Winning the Governor’s Race.
Why…Heres What The Belling, Sykes Crowd haven’t quite figured out yet….
A) Walker got 98,039 votes VS Lena Taylor in 2008
B) Mark Green Got 118,949 Votes in Milwaukee County in his 2006 Loss to Gov. Doyle
There were 326 k votes in Milw County for the Fall Election, almost double the 170k in The Spring election for County Exec.
Clearly the GOP Folk think Walker is looking at a huge number in Milw County In Nov.
they Aren’t Considering That Walker will have an “R” next to his name in The Governor’s race. You see Walker’s County Exec Seat is Non Partisan. So folks will know Walker is a GOP’er when they see his name on the ballot.
In addition Spring Election voters are far more conservative.
Don’t Believe that?
Just Ask Democratic State Reps Terry Van Akkeren and Bob Turner. Both are regularly elected with 60% of the Vote, yet this year both found out the hard way that more conservatives come out in Spring and Special Elections. Both lost by strikingly large numbers when they ran for mayor of their cities against more conservative candidates. Granted Racine Mayor John Dickert is no Conservative, but the conservatives supported him over the Dem Rep Turner.
The Dem GOTV effort in Milwaukee is far more effective and visible in Fall Elections.
US Senator RUSS FEINGOLD will be on The Ballot in 2010.
No one in the State has a better Campaign Team Than Feingold.
Bottom Line….Walker Will Struggle to do significantly better Than Mark Green Did in Milwaukee County. If Tom Barret does indeed Run, Walker has no chance to improve upon Green’s Numbers in Milwaukee County…… Barrett is more moderate and has far more bi partisan support than Walker could ever dream of.
But hey…it’s not like Belling, Sykes, etc ever let the facts(or numbers) get in the way of a good story!
I have seen the future. Walker doesn’t have as much of a chance to do as well as you predict. This budget will hurt a lot of people and raise taxes. It will be his undoing.
Scott Walker may win the Republican primary, but he’s DOA in the general.
I don’t know if he will even make it to the primary. The things I saw and heard today are going to be devastating to his run.
Ooooh…..do tell!
Oh, too many details to go into here. Let us just say, I think many people that enjoy Milwaukee County amenities are going to be severely disappointed.
Did you intentionally misspell Walker’s first name? I’m not trying to be picky about spelling, but since you did it twice I thought maybe it was a joke I missed.
To Capper — Milwaukee County has amenities?!
Right there with you.
Walker will most certainly do better than Mark Green in Milwaukee county. Whether it is good enough to win is certainly debatable, but to say he won’t do as well as Green is head-in-the-sand territory.
One other thing you don’t seem to get – if it’s Barrett – he can’t run against Milwaukee. The majority of voters in the rest of the state…don’t exactly think highly of Milwaukee or it’s politicians and problems. Kind could’ve used that against Walker. Barrett obviously cannot.
I don’t see how an objective person would have to say Walker-Barrett would be a blowout win in either direction.
I don’t think a Walker-Barrett race would be a blowout in either direction, but I also don’t think Scott Walker would have a chance of winning.