4 thoughts on “Look what what the anti-Feingold cat dragged in…

  1. The federal defense of marriage act should be repealed…it is unconstitutional…it usurps states’ rights…otoh…state doma’s should be repealed as unconstitutional because they don’t provide equal rights to our citizens.

  2. I don’t agree at all with the message overall – and really think the republicans are damn fools for not accepting the this for the inevitable equal rights issue it is.

    That said, it’s at least honest and is a direct policy issue. I’m so F-ing sick of mudslinging I could puke and I’d rather watch 10 ads like this that I disagree with, but are specific-issue-based than what I’ve been seeing.

  3. I don’t live in Wisconsin (I live next door in Michigan’s UP), but I’m a great admirer of Sen. Feingold. It’s appalling that he is anywhere near losing his seat in the Senate when he has done so much for all Americans. This can’t happen! We liberals and blues need to mobilize to keep our people in office. If we don’t we’ll not only lose what pitiful little we’ve gained since the destructive Bush/Cheney years, we’ll find ourselves at the mercy of the Tea Party know-nothings who think the way to govern is to give up the government to the Chamber of Commerce and other corporate special interests.

    That’s plain nuts and if we don’t all work together to save this country we have only ourselves to blame. Feingold is one of a handful of Dems who still have the courage of their convictions. We just can’t lose them now. Fight!

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