Calling All Zombies – to Devils Lake.

Governor Walker will be speaking @ Devil’s Lake(how fitting) North Shore this Saturday starting at 9:30 AM.

Details here:

Governor Walker is speaking at Devil’s Lake North Shore (just outside the chateau) in honor of the Devils Lake Centennial Celebration this Saturday June 25 at 9:30 am.
We plan to respectfully remind him that our natural resources and our state parks are not for sale, our rights matter to all Wisconsin citizens, and our passion for ethical governance is not over…We’ve just begun!!!!

WHAT: Protest Walker. Walker and program scheduled at 9:30am Saturday June 25. (expected duration is 45 minutes to an hour).
WHERE: Meet at North Shore entrance to Devil’s Lake State Park (intersection of County Trunk (upper) DL and Hwy. 123 at 8:45 a.m. where we plan to march in together behind a huge “Recall Walker” banner. Note: Reliable inside sources tell us that the state park’s parking lot will be closed from 7:30 a.m. on, so if you want to park inside the park, you must be in the park between the 6:00 a.m. daily opening time and 7:30 a.m. Please see other parking options and shuttle information below.
WHEN: Be inside the park by 9:00 a.m.
BRING: Signs! Important: Your car can also make a statement with signage for the drive here on Highway 12 or I-90 (exit 106 Hwy. 33 from Madison) to Baraboo.

We respect our natural resources and love Devils Lake. It would not serve our purpose to disrupt speakers. Instead our signs and our presence will send the message. We encourage you to put signs on your cars, in your hands, in the selection of clothing you wear. We have been advised of significant law enforcement in uniform and undercover security with arresting paperwork in hand.

Parking Options:
1. 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in Devils Lake State Park: Five large parking lots at the North shore. Sticker is required if parking anywhere within the park. Daily rate is $7.00. WE ENCOURAGE PARKING WITHIN DEVILS LAKE STATE PARK IF YOU CAN GET A VALID PARKING SPACE BEFORE 7:30 A.M. when we’re told authorities will close the Devils Lake State Park parking lot to the public.
2. Devil’s Lake Amusements: The mini golf course parking lot across from the Devils Lake North Shore park entrance on Hwy 123. We anticipate a $5.00 fee if you park there. Parking will be available at that location from 7:30 a.m. to noon only.
3. Free parking at Wheeler’s Camp Grounds at E11329 Hwy. 159 about a mile from the Devils Lake park entrance from 7:30 a.m. to noon. They have very generously offered to host space for cars to park and will direct traffic on their property. Lots of parking available. Shuttle bus service will be provided between 7:30 and noon by AbleTrek Tours for a donation. Drop off will be at Devils Lake State Park.
4. Park on the south shore and walk in along the Tumbled Rocks trail below the west bluff along the lake.

Know anyone who can paddle from the south shore to the north shore? No motors allowed (except for trolling motors) on Devils Lake. It would be great to have us on land and many others with signs on the lake. Great backdrop for photos!!

Do not forget under Governor Walker, the state parks are \"open for business\", environment be dammed! If anyone has not been to devils lake in Baraboo, it is a beautiful place to protest!


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8 thoughts on “Calling All Zombies – to Devils Lake.

  1. How ironic that most of the buildings that define Devil’s Lake for us were built with FDR’s stimulus funding under the auspices of the CCC and WPA.

  2. If Walker is speaking for the Centennial, why are they closing the parking lots?? Don’t they want any people there?

  3. This is so stupid. Keep making asses of yourselves. Plus regular Wisconsinites don’t care. You wish they did.

  4. What exactly are you protesting? “We plan to respectfully remind him that our natural resources and our state parks are not for sale” — When did Walker propose selling off state parks? In fact I think they even increased stewardship spending. Ridiculous.

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