Rep. Tom Graves, “tea party” Republican who preaches govt. fiscal responsibility, defaults on $2.2 million loan

Meet Republican Rep. Tom Graves of Georgia.

Tom Graves

Rep. Graves, who was elected to the House of Representatives in a special election in 2010, reached an out of court settlement last week after he was sued for defaulting on a $2.2 million loan, a loan his attorney argued is the bank’s fault for lending Graves the money in the first place.

I’ll give Tom Graves credit….not only was he so irresponsible as to default on a $2.2 million loan, he couldn’t even take responsibility for the poor choices he made as a businessman that led to his default, instead blaming someone else. Clearly Tom Graves isn’t one of those Republicans who believes in personal responsibility.


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2 thoughts on “Rep. Tom Graves, “tea party” Republican who preaches govt. fiscal responsibility, defaults on $2.2 million loan

  1. Didn’t he also fight to make the U.S. gov’t default on it’s debts?

    Thanks, Tea Party. You’re very, very special people.

  2. Gee. Another teabagger right-winger is a hypocrite. I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

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