Walker Chases Away 14,600 more Jobs

Here’s the Journal Sentinel link, with the takeaway:  

Wisconsin lost private-sector jobs for the fifth consecutive month in November in the same months that the nation has been adding private-sector jobs, according to a report Thursday from the state Department of Workforce Development.

The state lost an estimated 11,700 private-sector jobs in November from October, according to the agency. The figures are based on a monthly government survey of employers and adjusted to smooth out recurring seasonal factors, such as winter-related slowdowns in construction or holiday hiring by retailers.

The government sector, meanwhile, continued to lose jobs at the city and county level, which meant the state lost an estimated total of 14,600 non-farm jobs when the losses in the private sector are combined with the losses in the public sector.

Of course, Scott Walker’s folks are painting a rosey picture about those lost jobs here.  Lies, lies, lies.


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