Self-Loathing Gay Conservatives Awaken to Reality

When you lie with conservative dogs, you get fleas-of-hate… I’m just surprised that they’re surprised.

GOProud Expresses Disappointment with Governor Romney

Statement of Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director – “The left wants a culture war, because they can’t defend this President’s record of failure on the economy.  Conservatives shouldn’t give them the fight they want – and that’s exactly what Mitt Romney did today.”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, in remarks before the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney said that he had “stopped Massachusetts from becoming the Las Vegas of gay marriage.”  In response, Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud – an organization of gay and straight Americans seeking to promote freedom by supporting free markets, limited government, and a respect for individual rights – released the following statement:

“We are deeply disappointed with Governor Romney’s speech at CPAC today.  Instead of simply saying that he opposed gay marriage, Romney instead chose to play to the ugliest and most divisive impulses in this country.  If he thinks this is the way to appeal to Tea Party conservatives who have reservations about his candidacy, he is dead wrong.

“The left wants a culture war, because they can’t defend this President’s record of failure on the economy.  Conservatives shouldn’t give them the fight they want – and that’s exactly what Mitt Romney did today.”

What part of

Gay Demons


Gay Marriage


Maine Hate

GHF Kids

don’t you get???


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