Grand Chute Planned Parenthood bomber: “I lit up the clinic”

And still no statement from Republican Gov. Scott Walker condemning this man’s actions….

A Grand Chute man charged with setting fire to a Planned Parenthood building in his hometown admits to his crime.

During his initial federal court appearance Wednesday afternoon he asked the judge if he could plead guilty.

“Why? Because I’m guilty,” Francis Grady, 50, told FOX 11’s Mark Leland leaving the courthouse in Green Bay.

Accord to the report by Fox 11, Grady set the fire at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Grand Chute “because they’re killing babies there,” which is as unambiguous a motive as I’ve ever heard.


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1 thought on “Grand Chute Planned Parenthood bomber: “I lit up the clinic”

  1. Why would he condemn it? To make a crazed babykilling pro-abort like you happy? I’m glad Francis bombed that babykilling center, I just wished it had burned to the ground.

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