Lori Compas rally on Saturday in Oconomowoc

From my email inbox comes news of a rally in support of Democratic State Sen. candidate Lori Compas, who’s challenging Republican State Sen. Scott Fitzgerald.

Hi there Lake Country Progressives,

We need your support for Lori Compas this Saturday. Starts at 10:00 in Fowler Park Oconomowoc with a “volunteer gathering”. Lori will speak and there will be something to eat before we head out to call on the people of Oconomowoc to support our candidates. Obama for America and the Wisconsin Democratic Party will be with us to get our message out to Oconomowoc. We need as many of you as possible to be there. Bring your buttons, enthusiasm and smiles. Other needed materials will be provided. We are hopeful for a sunny day.


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7 thoughts on “Lori Compas rally on Saturday in Oconomowoc

  1. Support Lori

    I heard Joy Cardin’s political farce, fair and balanced joke this morning where her guest righty, Keene Winters whined and accused the Compas campaign as proving merely what can be done with social media and PAID operatives, go completely unchallenged by Ms Cardin or Price county Democratic Party chair, John Smart. They wouldn’t take my call as the topic switched to national pres race after the half hour break.

  2. mal
    April 20, 2012 at 10:06 am · Reply
    Hey, When are you guys going to write about that asshole, Scott Fitzgerald, cheating on his “high school sweetheart, Lisa,” as described in his campaign website- http://votefitzgerald.com/scott-2.html .

    Family values hypocrisy.

    Again the left shows their class!

    1. Mal’s diversion and Shane’s insipid response notwithstanding, you’d learn a lot by watching the Compas campaign in action. Just in the last 3 weeks, I’ve received 4 mailers and been visited by Compas canvassers twice. Fitzgerald? One mailer. Two weeks ago. Okay, he doesn’t have to primary, so we’ll see what he does in the next 4 weeks. But I just get this feeling that he’s assuming his base will troop out like the good soldiers they are and carry the day. And who knows, this area is deep red. But one wonders, with this much at state, why be complacent?

      On the other hand, the mayor of my burg lives one block down, and in all the time he’s been my alderman and mayor, he’s never once knocked on my door asking for support. And I’ve never voted for him. I’m not on the fence for this election, but I’m sure many are. And the knock on the door could be the difference. Mr. Fitzgerald, you paying attention?

      1. Rich, thanks for sharing your perspective on this race. I had no doubts Lori’s campaign would be extremely engaged and have a great ground game, especially considering how hard she (and so many others) worked to gather enough signatures to trigger a recall in a solidly Republican district.

  3. So Rich, what does anything you said have to do with showing pure lefty class and calling someone an asshole? And then you have to resort to the same rhetoric by calling names, but then again, we all know that is how the left acts, with pure civility right?

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